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( y'all been waiting for dis )

Alissa's POV

I run to Logan's bed and get under the sheets and get my cereal and I was about to watch it until I get a call from RiceGum
Alissa - hello ?
Ricegum - hey did you hear the new song ?

I pause for a second . I'm guessing he meant It's everyday bro so I just mess with him .
Alissa - yeah . Despacito is so good
RiceGum - no what Jake made
Alissa - wait , Logan Paul's brother ?
RiceGum - yeah yeah come over he like dissed you or something
Alissa - okay I'm on my way

I get out of the room and walk to Logan
Logan - so how bad was it
Alissa - didn't watch it yet but I'm heading to RiceGums and I'll be back
Logan - okay

I get to his house and I go straight to his room
Alissa - okay I'm here
RiceGum - how'd you get here so fas--
Alissa - show your video

(Then that ^ happened )

Alissa's POV

Alissa - Alright Ima go home now rice and we can write the lyrics and ill tell you some stuff and then we can hit the studio . Alright ?
Rice - okay sure . I'll text you when to come
Alissa - okay bye
Rice - bye
*hugs and then Alissa goes back to Logan*
Logan - there you are
Alissa - I'm backkk
Logan -  maverick missed you
Maverick - NO I DIDNT
Alissa - gee thanks maverick
Maverick - HE MISSED U
Logan - true
Alissa - aren't you gonna vlog today
Logan - Ima skip today to be with you
Alissa - awe thanks
Logan - no problem
Alissa - wanna watch ...
Logan - Grease ?
Alissa - *smiles cause he knows her fav movie* I thought you'd never ask

Then they cuddle and watch Grease and sing along .

That's it for tonight . It's 2:30 am for me and I have to wake up early at 7 to go to Austin Texas so Ima be in a ' good mood ' . Goodnight , Goodmorning , or good afternoon :)

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