Why You No Like My Pick Up Lines?

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"I'm fine," Elena insisted as Caroline pestered her.

We were in the cafeteria, painting signs for the Mystic Falls Carnival that was on this weekend. Caroline had roped me into helping out, and I was stuck on decorating duty with her, Elena and Bonnie. I stared at the banner I was painting, conpletely out of it. No one had seen Stefan in weeks, and I was worried. Damon had stopped searching. He knew Stefan was in the area, because bodies that had been drained of blood were showing up more than usual. He figured that Stefan would show up when he wanted.

I was different. I'd been calling Stefan non-stop since the day he disappeared, and I knew he hadn't ditched his phone, because some times it would cut off after a few rings. He was declining my calls. Little bastard. I'd tried tracking spells, but he kept moving around too much. I just wanted to get in contact with him, but I was beginning to think it was impossible.

"No you're not," Caroline argued.

"Look, I know it's been rough, but like you always say. I have to move on. Stefan will come back when he's ready," Elena said confidently. "And we just have to hope that it will be soon."

"I wouldn't bet on that," a voice added.

I looked up to see Rebekah standing there with a forced smile on her face.

"Well, if your brother hadn't have compelled him, we wouldn't be in this situation," Bonnie snapped.

"Stefan's just embracing his true nature. We are vampires after all," Rebekah replied.

"No, that's not true. Stefan may be a vampire, but he's not a heartless monster," Elena argued.

"Are you sure?" Rebekah asked. "Ask Marni. She knows."

Elena looked at me.

"I'm not getting in the middle of this," I muttered. "But Stefan isn't himself at the moment, so for the time being, I don't think he'll be out eating bunnies."

"Why are you here anyway?" Bonnie asked icily.

"If you must know, I came to pick up Marni," Rebekah replied with a smile that I knew was bitchy.

"Why, because you're all afraid I'm going to snap and kill someone?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, I came to take you shopping. We haven't had a good girl session in a while," Rebekah answered.

"Marni, you should take your mothers warning seriously," Elena urged.

"Why? I don't plan on using Necromancy," I stated bitterly. "Unless one of you plans on getting yourself killed."

"She said that she thinks Necromancy is what is going to make you snap," Caroline reminded me. "But it could be anything. Like I dunno... One of the people closest to you turning their humanity off?"

"Do I look evil to you?" I asked. "No. I'm perfectly fine, and you all need to stop worrying. With you guys along with Damon watching my every move, I'll be more likely to kill people. Oh look, my phone's ringing."

I walked away from the others and answered.

"Katherine, wasn't expecting a call from you anytime soon," I stated.

"Thought I'd check up and see what was happening in Mystic Falls," she responded.

"Well, you haven't missed much," I replied. "No. That's a lie. You've missed a lot."

"A little birdy tells me our Stefan has shut his emotions off," she said.

I frowned. "How did you know that?"

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