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-Please note that this story was inspired by Sally Green's "Half Bad" and yet I can assure you the story is entirely different. The basis is similar, but the context is not. Thank you-

He was destined to be evil; it was in his blood. 

He was destined to kill; it was in his blood.

But destiny takes a turn when he does the unexpected, unacceptable, and downright insane thing no other creature of his species has dared to do...

He falls in love. 


Harry Styles, twenty years old and destined to take after his father's footsteps; becoming the strongest, most violent Black Witch England will ever come to know. He can do things to manipulate your mind, your body, and even your soul. Whether it's fire shooting out of his hands, transporting from place to place in a blink of an eye, or literally killing you by giving you the "death stare." To put it bluntly, you don't want to cross his path.

Wanted by no one, hunted by everyone. 

Rose Parker, twenty years old and routinely mistreated; abused, screamed at, and always told she's never good enough for anything. She runs away from her horrid father, wishing her mother were still alive to keep her safe and secure. But on her runaway, she runs into the one person you never want to make eye contact with; Harry Styles. 

Beauty can deceive the eye. 

Harry is on the run, trying to find his father to learn more of his mother. Rose's situation is vaguely similar, for she ran away to discover her mother's death and how it occurred. When Rose finds out she's a White Witch, she and Harry are then breaking the rules by falling in love being differed from evil and bad. A White Witch and a Black Witch in love and conquering the world? Seems a little hard to believe, but Rose does find out one thing above all... Harry Styles - the supposedly evil, bad guy isn't half bad after all.

"You're not half bad, Styles." 



*watch the trailer on the side pleeaasseee <3*

NOTE: I know male witches are called warlocks, but for the sake of the plot they're also referred to as witches. Sorry if this upsets/confuses anyone x

- Inspired by Sally Green's, Half Bad. -

Half Bad // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now