Chapter 10

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♡ chapter 10 - Rose ♡

            Harry, I’m asking you legitimate questions here,” I grumbled as I skimmed the racks, depicting my possible outfits to try on.

            Harry rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Rose, I honestly don’t care, all right? I’m sure anything will look good on you, so as long as it’s not flashy, I really don’t care. I’m a guy, all right? Clothes aren’t my biggest concern.”

            My cheeks flushed at his small comment, but I forced a scowl and a sigh before yanking down a couple of nice shirts. I knew Harry was being extra cautious by continuously scanning the premises, but it was believable since he was a widely known criminal. However, not many people filled the all-around market store this afternoon. I’ve never been in this town, wherever we are, but it seemed to be pretty vacant.

            Ryan and Liam were wondering around the food department while Jessie stayed near us, helping Harry look out for possible spies. Jessie may be a good witch, but he’s still accompanying a man destined evil, so he’d be in fault as well if we were to be caught just by grouping with us. But I really hope that won’t be the case.

            Harry and Jessie followed me like lost puppies as I walked to the dressing rooms, determined to get out of these clothes. I had a shower last night, but putting on the same clothes you’ve worn the past few days wasn’t very satisfying. I didn’t have much of a choice, but my body was telling me it was time for fresh fabric.

            But the embarrassing thing I had trouble speaking aloud was the nearness of my “month friend.” How the heck was I supposed to inform a house full of guys that I needed pads? That I was going to have extreme cravings for chocolate if they didn’t buy me some soon? That I was going to start flipping shit with the littlest things they would say to me? God, this is so humiliating.

            After trying on the various clothing, I picked out my favorite before meeting the boys in the lobby of the dressing rooms. Harry rose an eyebrow expectantly at me, so I nodded and held up the clothes I decided to get. I swallowed the nervousness swelling in my throat, knowing that if I didn’t say something soon, we’d be leaving the market and I’d suffer leaking through all my clothes. Embarrassing and disgusting.

            “What’s wrong?” Harry asked as he seemed to catch on to my quietness.

            I rubbed my arm subconsciously. “Well, I…”

            Both the boys stopped, turning to look at me with slight concern at the anxiousness invading my tone. I knew I was going to have to be up front with this, but I couldn’t bring myself to be so blunt.

            “Well, you guys… I’m a female. And well, as a female… I have certain chapters during the month where—“

            Harry held a hand up to stop me, a small smirk of amusement tugging at his lips. “Rosalie, I don’t need a background story on the history of females. Although this is quite entertaining, all you have to do is say it.”

            Jessie chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, it’s not like we’re oblivious to female needs.”

            My cheeks heated up immensely as the two boys snickered, but I managed an eye roll. “You both are jerks. That was seriously weighing down some humiliation on me, and you just make it worse.”

            “Well, what do you need?” Harry asked, clearly enjoying this.

            “Things,” I murmured sheepishly.

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