Chapter 23

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♡ chapter 23 - Rose ♡

            The only sounds ricocheting down the corridor were hushed cries and Daniel's imitation of The Climb by Miley Cyrus. I could hardly make out his facial expressions in the dark, but the ones I did see had me clapping a hand over my mouth to keep from busting into hysterics. Harry had told him countless times to shut up, but Daniel dismissed each one of his complaints.

            I wasn't sure how many people were in this hallway, but it seemed like just the three of us were in this area. Perhaps more villains were further down, but we were fairly close to the door the guard watches on the outside. Probably because we're supposedly classified as "highly dangerous" although I don't even know how to control my powers. I just found out I had them, but maybe that's what makes me dangerous.

            Currently, I was lying flat on this piece of junk they call a bed, staring blankly up at the dark ceiling. Harry was using his power for entertainment; tossing fireballs in the air before catching them and repeating the action. The fire was beautiful, lacing in circles elegantly while it tumbled in the air. It was something peaceful to watch, and in a crazy way, it was comforting.

            They didn't give us clocks are anything, so I was unaware of the present time being. Perhaps it was midnight or even early in the morning when the sky is still dark and the stars are still out. All I knew was the lights were out, meaning us "criminals" were supposed to be sleeping.

            Out of nowhere the large door creaked open, causing me to sit up on my elbows. Two bulky guards entered the hallway, catching Harry's attention as well as he furrowed his eyebrows. At first I thought they were here for him, but then they stopped in front of my cell, cuffs in hand.

            "Miss Parker, we have been authorized to carry you down to the courtroom for your testimony. You are commanded to be cooperate or we will not hesitate to take action. Do you understand?"

            My eyebrows rose and I swallowed, nodding slowly as I stood from the bed. Harry was standing at the bars of his cell, his eyes narrowed on the two men speaking to me. I knew he was just being protective, but his suspiciousness always worried me. He can sense things I can't.

            Before I knew it, the bars were creaking open. Daniel was now watching as well as the two men cuffed my hands behind my back. I looked to Harry with wide eyes, but he was too busy glaring at the large guards.

            "Excuse me, where the hell are you taking her?" he said, his voice deep and stern like you'd expect from natural born ruler.

            "Classified information, Styles. Keep your nose out of it."

            "Tell me where the fu—"

            "It's fine," I cut him off, not wanting him to cause pandemic in the whole building. I gave him a little smile. "It's all right."

            Harry's jaw locked, but he didn't say anything else as the guards drug me out the door, a loud slam sounding behind me.

            The large guards roughly drug me with them down the stark white hallway, my heart picking up pace with every footstep. They had told me my trial wouldn't be until later today, not in the middle of the night. What are they going to say to me? What are they going to do to me?

            I'm not at fault her. I was kidnapped by a psychopath and nearly forced to help him take over the country with his diabolical plan. I can't control whatever it is I supposedly have, and I can't control my feeling for Harry.

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