Chapter 13

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♡ chapter 13 - Harry 

            I screwed up.

            This is a well-known fact I've come to live with the past two days Rose has been utterly avoiding me. Spending more time with Jessie and less time glancing at me when we pass each other in the hallways the rare occasion she's out of the room. I've taken a full hatred towards that lumpy couch in the living room, but begging Rose for forgiveness has gotten me nowhere, so I've learned to live with the piece of shit.

            Harry Styles; not a beggar. But what has Harry Styles been doing the past two days? Kissing Rose's fucking feet. Not only have I attempted to make her breakfast one morning, but I've also gone out and bought her another bag of those fucking M&Ms she loves. Has food gotten me anywhere close to being forgiven? Not at all. But Harry Styles is also another thing (no, not an asshole although that fits the shoe perfectly), and that's determined.

            So you can bet Rose's damn M&Ms I'm not giving up on her.

            Currently everyone is outside, practicing their self-defense moves and such. Jessie has been helping Rose with the sword the past couple of days in order to get some strength in that petite body. We all know Marcus is closer and closer to catching our trail, and we all know our time is limited. There's only so many more seconds before he strikes and gets what he wants; Rose.

            Well, sorry jackass but you aren't getting my girl.

            Standing up to my father has never been a thought that's crossed my mind, but it's the inevitable bound to happen. I can already picture the angry expression that will conceal his features when I refuse to hand Rose over, but he'll have to build a bridge and get the fuck over it. I don't care if he's the sperm that created me (sometimes I wish he never had), but he's not getting the only thing I care about in this horrid place we call a world. And if protecting Rose gets me killed, I guess I'll just meet her in the afterlife.

            Puffing out air from my cheeks, I heaved a hand through my hair and tried to decipher the feelings running through my veins. None of them made any damn sense to me, but I wouldn't stop trying to depict each and every one of them just so I can find a way to explain it all to Rose. Maybe then she'll finally forgive my stupidity and hopefully take back whatever we used to have.


            Although that's far from how I would put it, I can't think of any other word that would match our sporadic relationship. It's not like we're dating, but it's not like we're friends, either. I'm uncertain of the proper pinpoint, but I know there's a fine line between the two where we'd fall under.

            My eyes flickered back out the window where Jessie was teaching Rose defense moves. But the position I found them in made me grind my teeth together and clench my fists; Rose's front was pressed against a tree as Jessie pinned an arm behind her back, his face close to her neck. I felt like I could yank my hair out from the anger coursing through me, but I squeezed my fists tighter together to hold back the urge, dismissing the indentions my nails were leaving in my palms.

            Finally having enough of being cooped up in the house, I ignored the fact that Rose wanted me to stay away from her. Although I've been doing pretty damn good at keeping distance, I couldn't stop myself from storming outside. I wouldn't talk to her, not unless she spoke to me, but I can't keep putting so much space between us. It's driving me closer and closer towards the depths of insanity, as if I hadn't reached that point.

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