Chapter 3

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♡ chapter 3 - Rose ♡

            Night was upon us far quicker than I was comfortable with. The dark was growing thicker and thicker by the minute, my heart picking up pace with it. The trees had already turned into lurking shadows, my imagination twisting their unambiguous appearances into something dangerous, something evil. I've always had a creative side of me, but it only came in handy on the many lonely nights I'd sit in the basement and practice writing. It was basically the only thing I had to do.

            Harry seemed to be in deep thought as he stopped, scanning the portion of the woods we were in. My heart seemed to freeze as his eyebrows pushed together, almost like he was hearing something distant. He licked his plump lips before pursing them together, turning to me and saying, "Might as well make yourself comfortable. We'll sleep here for the night."

            Nibbling my fingernails, I frowned. "H-here? In the open? Are you sure?"

            Harry rolled his eyes. "Stop being such a sissy, Rosalie. I'll be right here."

            "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I snapped, hesitantly sitting cross-legged on the ground. "You did try to choke me right off the bat when you saw me."

            "For the millionth time, I have to be cautious." He groaned. "And let's not forget who saved your life not even an hour ago."

            Chewing my bottom lip, I looked to my fumbling hands in my lap. "Thanks," I murmured, just loud enough for him to hear.

            Harry didn't reply.

            We sat there in silence, but I couldn't keep my eyes to stop frantically roaming. I was beyond terrified and this phobia of mine could get bad. I knew that if I didn't calm myself down soon, I'd be facing a panic attack.

            Harry actually seemed to notice as he frowned at me. "You're sweating bullets, Rose. Are you really that scared? It's hardly even dark yet."

            Figuring he was making fun of me, I turned my face away from him. Digging in my duffel bag, I was more than relieved to feel my inhaler still there. I took two puffs, the air gradually filling my lungs once more as I redeemed relaxation. But I was only partly calm while the other part of me still jumped around with butterflies of anxiety.

            Harry continued to watch me intently as I let out a breath, raking a hand through my hair. I rose an eyebrow at him, curious as to why he was staring at me so cautiously. Catching my inquisitiveness, he licked his lips and quickly looked away.

            I sighed. "You're so awkward."

            Harry frowned, looking back to me but not making eye contact. "I'm not awkward. I just don't talk much. Is that such a sin?"

            I held my hands up in mock defense. "Calm down, feisty. I'm just trying to make conversation."

            Harry scoffed, rolling his emerald eyes. "Yeah, because you haven't talked enough already," he said sarcastically in a bitter tone.

            Deciding I've had enough of his harsh attitude towards me, I shot to my feet. "You know what, Harry. I'm so done with you right now. I've done absolutely nothing wrong and you're talking to me like I'm some pain in the ass. Sorry for trying to be genuine and actually friendly," I snapped, picking up my shoes I recently took off.

            Harry furrowed his eyebrows, looking up at me. "Where are you going?"

            "Away from you," I huffed, stepping in the freezing water of the calm little river. I crossed it quickly, not wanting any small fish thinking my toes were edible. I was still beyond terrified of the night sky, but I tried to keep my mind off of it and think of the anger I had towards Harry right now.

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