Chapter two

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I wake up and grab my towel to go get my shower. I begin walking across the corridor past my brothers rooms and into the bathroom.

After finishing my shower I put on my robe and leave my towels to dry on the rack in the bathroom. I begin walking into my room and search through my wardrobe for something to wear. Oh my god! I've got a doctors appointment today. I hate doctors always have done, I never have known why.

Snapping back out of my thoughts I rake through my wardrobe and putting on some plain underwear. I finally find a cute outfit consisting of a long Florey light pink tank top, some high waisted blue jeans, shoes with an anklet and a light pink trench coat.

I finish putting on my makeup, drying my hair and getting dressed so I begin to descend down the stairs. As I reach the last step I smell something absolutely delicious. Bacon! I began to run through to the kitchen but as I come to a stop I begin to cough again feeling the burning sensation rack my body.

"Are you ok dear?" My mum questions "yeh I'll be fine" I manage to splutter out as I gasp for air after my coughing stops. She turns around and sits me down handing me a glass of water and a bacon roll with tomato sauce inside. "Your appointment is in ten minutes so I'll drop you off on they way to the airport" she says sitting next to me with her hand resting on my arm.

I eat half of my roll before chucking it away. I walk to the front door and wait for my mum to arrive. "Ready darling?" My mum questions picking up her suitcases. "Yeh" I sigh "boys I'm away, love you" she screams at my brothers.

"Right, you just walk in that door and give them your name okay?" "Yeh" I reply in a bit of a daze. "Love you" she says giving me a smile "love you too" I reply getting out the car my school bag in hand.

I watch my mum drive off in her new BMW. She bought a car for the three of us, me and my brothers. I've never been in it. From what I know though is that everyone is jealous of it. Oh well!

I walk into the hospital and go to the front desk. "Hi, name please?" The young woman behind the desk asks. I tell her my name and sit down in the chair she pointed to.

I stand up as someone calls my name. "Ahh hello, I'm Dr.Amings nice to meet you." She smiled brightly at me. I just replied with a simple nod. "Please follow me through".

I followed her through the blue corridors of the hospital till we reached a room with her name on the door. As we entered the room I took a quick glance around it. Nothing much is inside. There's a examining bed, desk, seats and lots of cupboards. She leads me over to sit in one of the seats in front of her desk.

After a while she stops examining me and tells me to as I quote 'wait here I'll be right back in two minutes' that was half an hour ago! I'm still sitting here waiting. I really need to get to school I've already missed half of my first period. "Hey" I hear a voice say I turn around to see Dr.Aimings I give her a half smile as she sits at her desk. "So I'm going to need you to go get a chest X-ray. I discussed your symptoms with my colleague and it could be something very serious so if you would, could you please follow me along to the X-ray department?" Dr.Aimings questions I give her a nod and stand up.

As I'm following Dr. Aiming s through the many corridors we reach the X-ray room "please just sit there, I'll put you in as an emergency as we need to be quick about this" she said for once though I never saw the smile that strung across her face.

As she hurried everyone around I sat thinking. What is wrong? Why is she putting me in as an emergency? Why? "You've to go get your X-ray now" Dr.Aimings said crouching down to my level. I got up and walked through.

I was told to put on a gown, which might I add is horrible! It's basically just plastic. I walk into the X-ray room and a doctor helps me lay down. They place the X-ray machine over my chest and leave the room.

I stand up and go get changed back into my clothes. After finishing putting my clothes on I enter the waiting room to find out what to do. "Hey, can you follow me please" Dr. Aimings asked with a sorrowful look across her face.

I followed her through the many corridors as my heart began to beat heavily and pretty darn fast. "Please take a seat" she said as we reached her office. I walked in and took my place.

"So I'm afraid I don't have great news, in the X-ray it showed that you have cancer in your lungs" as she said that my heart broke and my chest tightened. Slowly tears began to stream down my face.

"The cancer has in fact spread, im afraid to say this but there's nothing we can do" she held onto me as more tears streamed down my face my only thought 'I'm going to die soon'.

After it was explained to me I got up and left. Apparently I don't have much longer time on earth but that's not what I'm scared of. What I'm scared of is the time between, how can I watch myself deteriorate. Yes, I have been deteriorating for a while now but not that I noticed. How could I be so oblivious!

I reach back to the house and freshen up before I start my walk back to school. It's now just before lunch so by the time I reach there it will be lunch time. I walk along the side of the water, watching as the sun makes it shimmer and the wind makes it a little rougher. I soon begin my walk up the hill away from the water and find myself in front of the school.

I walk in and sit under the same tree as yesterday. I watch the breeze wave the branches of the large oak all the while brushing my hair out my face.

"Oh look who it is, the little bitch" Claire sneered "tut tut tut, you weren't in school this morning" Angus Gilbert laughed "we should make you pay for not being here" Adam Kiln continued. I sat there looking at the ground wondering when they would leave. "Botch look up when we're talking to you" Claire sneered yet again. I rolled my eyes thinking how I have worse problems. SLAP. All of a sudden there was a stinging sensation crossing my left cheek.

Looking up I see the evil glare from Claire a look of shock crossing all the others faces "don't you dare roll your eyes at me again or, or, you'll be dead" she said trying to think of a threat. She turned around and began to walk away with the others coming out there trance and walked along beside her. Evan and Evion waited a bit longer before joining there group of populars. "I'm already dying" I mumbled looking at the grass under me.

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