Level 13:\Versus Player -He Who Thrust Despair Unto Others-

249 16 4
  • Dedicated to Eisen Straywaltz

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Radiant Prism Sanctuary>

Eden swept his hands on floating holographic screens across his pale, flawless face. He rubbed his smooth & pale chin as he glanced at them. They're all enjoying the world so far! 

He materialized two blobs of brown clay on his palms and shaped them into bipedal monsters by telepathic means. He made a large gorilla with a pair of four-barreled missile launchers as forearms. After he shaped its face, he made a horned humanoid pig with a crane arm equipped with a large rusted meat hook.

"Hmmm, one of you will have a debut today" Eden stroked the gorilla-like monster's hairy chest.

The robed Grandmaster appeared behind Eden, "Eden, pull off a surprise event!"

He dropped his sculpted monsters on his glassy desk and fell his mouth open, "It's just our first Friday to dump in new content, sir!"

"Those monsters of yours may count" The Grandmaster crossed his arms, "And feel free to drop in ships and random landmarks too!"

Eden bobbed his head and placed his sculpted creatures in a crystalline octagonal altar.

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Freedom's Cradle Star System\Briarwelt Moon\Walled Arcology-01 KanpekiSekai>

Sirius materialized in front of Kanpeki Sekai's giant mushroom-like tree surrounded by colorful chromatic, cubic buildings in the arcology. So, this is NOAH, the new game they're all talking about. 

While he treaded the streets of Kanpeki Sekai, three armed Bahamun teenagers in shiny green trenchcoats trailed him.

"Hey crossdresser!" Gonagal, the olive green-haired Bahamun, pointed his large revolver at Sirius.

"Are you gay?" The spiky-haired Bahamun tapped Sirius' puffy shoulders.

He continued treading the streets until he reached the northen exit of the arcology and defied the Bahamuns' presence.

The tall cyan-haired Bahamun raised his voice, "Hey! We're talking to you, Sirius!"

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Makati City\Tejeros BLISS Garden>

Pounding noises in Derek's ears drowned the game's upbeat city music, as he read his chat box onscreen. Nope, I feel like trolling all of you with it. He cracked his knuckles and typed in his chat box,

[Sirius: Go ahead, call me whatever you want!]

All right, so even here in NOAH, I get to meet other trash-talking low-lives eh? Derek donned a wide grin as he controlled his avatar out of the city. "Fine! Let's see if I'm gay or not, suckers!"

His pulse revved up for a virtual bloodlust. He had a glimpse of his avatar impaled his detractors on the trees as he drove his avatar to the forest. Derek armed his avatar with a [Standard-Issued Spear] —a dull chromatic gray, broad-bladed, 2 foot tall spear— as his avatar outran the Bahamun avatars in the forest.

Gonagal fired its large revolver on Sirius' legs, but marked the ground instead. Derek noticed a new message in his chatbox,

[GonagalSirius-ly! You're really a gay boy]

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