END STAGE Part 03:\Heal Over Time -Unreal Unity-

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The two-storey house-sized Crikhei Gigantora gobbled up the remnants of her hatchlings.

Hotaruu, and two other mages, cast a shower of magically-materialized stalactites at the monster's back — «Stalactite Imber». Each stalactite pierced through its scaly and furry skin, yet defied such damage.

"It's not budging, guys!" Castor Aarth twirled his magic staff, and hurled a ball of magma at the monster's tail. "Prepare the tank for the final blow!"

Sirius switched on the cannon's overcharging system. His targeting screen popped out a red, pulsating warning symbol: WARNING: WEAPON MALFUNCTION! DO NOT OVERCHARGE!

Do not overcharge? Screw it! Sirius aimed the cannon at the monster's mouth. Overcharge rating: 80%. The laser cannon's engines thrummed louder, and crackled as it chugged more energy. The targeting screen flickered every three seconds.

Overcharge rating: 85%. C'mon, can't this thing be faster? The maddened child-eating monster raised its head up, and let out a chopping wolf-like roar.

It spun counter-clockwise, and unleashed bluish electric currents on its maned tail, and tried to swipe their only superweapon away.

Instead, dusts and pebbles flew over the raiding group, then a handful of stones scratched the tank's plating.

In the nick of time, Eizien, Pollux, and Saiph parried the charged tail spin attack without being knocked back by the Ether-electrified tail.

He wanted the mysterious loot hidden at that monster's innards, compared from the first time he obtained a rare loot in NOAH — this ambitious growing universe they're all in!

He and Franzen owed Horngarner a whopping ₱60,000 or $1,385.04 for the cheating tool they used in December 2013 — worth a tuition fee in a private school.

"Overcharge rating: 90 percent! I'm gonna blow up!" Sirius radioed at Bellatrix through guild-wide voice chat.

He pointed the cannon at the monster's head for the remaining seconds. The laser cannon's engines revved up louder, and reddish electric currents engulfed the damaged barrel.

"Huli ka balbon!" Sirius smiled, and pulled the trigger.

The tank unleashed a booming, reddish ray of light, and scorched the Crikhei Gigantora's right face.

The monster growled in pain, as reddish pixels slowly clouded its erased face.

His targeting screen blacked out. The light indicators around him shut down instantly. POWER DOWN.

"Aggro na! Aggro na! Tapos gank na!" Sirius disembarked from the tank, and equipped his «Dark Xyston» in front of the wounded behemoth.

He glanced at the monster's wounded chest as it regained its sight, and he yelled at his teammates, "That thing has lots of weak points! Try going at all sides!"

"You say so!" Masshu engulfed herself in bloody-red aura — «Bloody Provocation» in effect!

As the reddish pixels reformed the monster's face, it turned around, as slow as a tank. Its bloodied ruby eyes locked at her, hell-bent to rend her apart; like the sorry hatchlings it ate.

Oh c'mon, even an anime-styled, mid-spec online game like Flyff, Onigiri, and today, NOAH, isn't spared from gratuitous gore and violence. Hatsumi heard her mother's voice, in spite of the loud volume from the game, "You've been there for over two hours!"

"I know, mom!" She quickly lifted her headset's microphone up, "What's goin' on?"

One of her boy friends called her out to build his gaming desktop computer in Greenhills. Too bad, she's engrossed to hammer their boss fight down for good. He could have done it himself though, unless it'd mean something else outside the game. Uncalled for, she had to clean her room after this explosive timesink, and never cosplay at home either. 

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