Level 17:\World Boss 01 -Abolishing the Dissonant Divergence-

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Level 17:\World Boss 01 -Abolishing the Dissonant Divergence-

May 03, 2014: Late afternoon, and nightfall's on its way, gamers! The boss resumed its rampage, in spite of living roughly with 43% of its hit points.

IN-GAME:\NOAH Online\Freedom's Cradle Star System\Briarwelt Moon\Walled Arcology 01 Kanpeki Sekai>

Sirius lost a lot of HP after a thrown kampilan struck his chest. FranZetta, the owner of the thrown sword, walked towards Rennin's ragtag party. He glanced at Rennin's digitally-bloodied clothes, "Rennin, are you RenDerringer in Call'field?"

Hatsya, Eizien, and the girls bared menacing grins as they pointed their weapons at FranZetta's head. "So what if he's RenDerringer, sicko?" Esthrill yelled at the gray trenchcoat-clothed hairy gladiator, as she aimed her sniper rifle at his head.

Altynes covered Rennin and posed a brawler stance, "You'll put him to shame for playing fair, I guess?"

He applauded at Rennin's party, then held his arms out, "Wow Ren! You got yourself a loyal friendship squad eh?"

Rennin raised his eyebrows and charged his malahurat sticks with earth energy, "Duh, wolf-boy"

Time to teach these pricks a lesson! He grinned at Rennin, then dashed towards his party in spite of their numbers.

Eizien blocked his way, and thrust his trident onto FranZetta. The wolf-like fightershielded the rusty tips. Idiot! You don't have shield-piercing bonus for that!

He flailed his Sigbin-blessed kampilan on Eizien's legs. His sword scratched the trident-wielder's right shin, and siphoned some hit points from it.

He cast [Sigbin Cloaking] and his body faded as he shot himself toward Altynes. As he reached her, he stabbed her belly with his kampilan covered by blood red aura. That attack was another Sigbin-based ability, [Sigbin's Blood Fang]. The healthier the opponents are (75% or higher), a Sigbin-enhanced powered strike pull off more damage, and simultaneously suck more HP.

He wore a wide grin as he watched his failed assailants held their bleeding wounds. "All of you are weak, even if you team up as a guild!"

Esthrill ran away, and threw a smoke bomb onto FranZetta's leg. The smoke bomb's hazy smoke filled the battlefield and his movements became obvious as he wade through the smoke.

"Tch! You're all lucky today, weaklings!" he screamed as he chased the pink-haired sniper.

Masshu swung her Kongbomba-themed, oversized pick hammer sideways, and landed a bloody blow on FranZetta's head. "Serves you right, baka!"

"Hatsya-kun, let Rennin logout now!" Masshu said to the yellow fencer as she mashed FranZetta's shield into crumpled metal sheet. Esthrill gunned down the enemy avatar's head for extra damage.

Hatsya nodded at his fellow player's command, then he stood beside Rennin, back-to-back.

"Rennin, please log out for a while" Hatsya mumbled to Rennin as unsheathed his Rose Rapier, "I could have banned these pricks for you"

"Wait, you're a GM right?" Rennin said to him.

"Just leave now! I got this!" Hatsya yelled at Rennin as he charged his rapier's attack.

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Makati City\Tejeros BLISS Garden>

"Ren, did you quit just now?" Ynes asked, as she controlled her avatar for a desperate escape.

Helogged out from the game, "Isn't that obvious, those two are harassing me!"

"All right, and I bet you forgot your mother's task?" Ynes glanced at him for a moment.

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