Chapter 4: Common Connection

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Warning: this chapter has brief cursing in it

"That game had to have been rigged," Y/n frowned as they looked at the small alien finger puppet they got from a ring toss game.

"Well, maybe next time when we go to the arcade instead," Steven suggested, "They have a GUYS figure machine there!"

"GUYS?" Y/n tilted their head

"Guys Under Your Supervision!" Steven told, "There's Construction Guy, Ninja Guy, Ranger Guy, he's my favorite, egh, there's Dave Guy,"

"Dave Guy?" Y/n laughed a bit

"Yeah, he's a stupid accountant who just likes doing taxes," Steven pouted

"I want to say I'm surprised," Y/n joked, "But, that does make sense... Dave Guy," Y/n laughed to themself

"So, wanna go get some pizza? It's 'bout time for dinner!" Steven said

"Shouldn't we invite the Gems?" Y/n asked

"They don't eat," Steven told, "Well, Amethyst does, but she does it for fun, not that she needs it,"

"Right," Y/n nodded, remembering what Rose Quarts told them in one of their dreams

"Besides! We can go over our plan for when we try and find that missing link later," Steven said

"That thing, right," Y/n shook the memory back into their head, "I still can't even fathom what we have in common,"

"Well, fathom harder! It has to be something," Steven said as he lead Y/n to Fish Stew Pizza

"Hey there, Steven," A tall girl greeted, her hair covered under a bandanna, and she was wearing an apron, "Ooh, is this your new friend?"

"Hey, Kiki!" Steven smiled, "This is Y/n!"

"Y/n, huh? Nice to meet ya. I'm Kiki," Kiki introduced, "So, you visiting family or something?"

"Nope, I'm moving here for the year," Y/n told

"Moving to a place like this?" Kiki laughed, "Well, I'm sure you'll find something to do here,"

"Thanks," Y/n smiled back

"So, what'll it be?" Kiki asked

"2 pizzas, please! For here," Steven said as he put money on the counter

"Alright, 2 pizzas coming right up," Kiki said as she wrote something down and put the note in the kitchen

"Hey, Ronaldo," Steven greeted a boy with similar hair to Peedee sitting at one of the tables on his lapto.

"What?" Ronaldo lifted his headphones off his ear

"I said hi!" Steven told

"Oh, hey Steven," Ronald said as he put his headphones back on

"Is he related to Mr. Fryman?" Y/n asked Steven

"Yep, that's his son," Steven told, "I guess you're gonna be seeing a lot of him,"

"Guess so," Y/n nodded, "So our plan of attack when we get up there. Let's not try and force a connection,"

"Like no locking you guys in the bathroom until you find something in common?" Steven asked

"Well... Uh, I wasn't thinking that extreme, but let's not do that either," Y/n said, a bit startled, "I meant like, try not to point it out, let them make the connection for themselves,"

"Ah, I'm catching your cold," Steven nodded with a smirk, "Let them think like they came up with the link,"

"...Right," Y/n stopped a bit at the odd analogy, "And it's okay if we don't find anything tonight, we've got the whole week,"

No Rest for The Weary| Crystal Gems X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें