Chapter 36: Rest Your Head

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"Dude, dude, did you see the look on that guy's face?" Amethyst burst laughing as she and Y/n drove on Y/n's scooter back to the Fry shop. It was about four at night and only the street lights illuminated the street. The moon was barley visible behind the thick clouds.

"It was amazing," Y/n chuckled, "And when he slammed the table!"

"Everything went flying!" Amethyst reminisced, "How'd you know that song would make everyone go so crazy?"

"Here's the thing about What's New Pussycat," Y/n chuckled, "The second time it repeats, your immediate thought isn't "Hey, someone's playing What's New Pussycat again," your first thought is, "Huh, what's new pussycat is a lot longer than I thought it was," The third time," Y/n continued, "You might catch onto the fact that someone played it again, but the fourth time you finally go, "Whoa! Someone just played What's New Pussycat four times! Or they played it at least twice and it's a really long song,"

"Man, that was genius!" Amethyst laughed, "And I can't believe it was one dollar for three plays!"

"Hey, you're the genius! The one It's Not Unusual you put in... in between the seventh and eighth play," Y/n reminded, "People thought it was finally over!"

"But it's never over!" Amethyst laughed as she and Y/n drove the scooter next to the fry shop

"Scientists have wondered for years if it was possible to make full grown humans cry tears of joy from hearing It's Not Unusual," Y/n joked

"And the answer is yes," Amethyst told

"As long as it's proceeded by seven What's New Pussycats," Y/n chuckled, "I can't believe they actually unplugged it," Y/n laughed, "And they did that on what the thirteenth play?"

"Fourteenth!" Amethyst chuckled

"And no one ever knew it was us," Y/n smirked

"I think that angry dude knew it was us," Amethyst told

"Hopefully we don't bump into him again," Y/n laughed as they kicked the kickstand into place and stepped off the vehicle

"We could take 'em," Amethyst told

"He had kids!" Y/n said, "I'm not beating anyone in front of their kids,"

"Eh, you're right," Amethyst laughed as Y/n unlocked the door and let Amethyst inside, "Man, I can't wait to just pass out,"

"Tell me about it," Y/n said as they stomped upstairs with Amethyst behind them.

"I think you left your lights on," Amethyst said as a dull yellow light emanated down the stairs

"Huh, I thought I turned off the lights," Y/n said as they reached the top of the stairs

"Did you two have fun?" Pearl asked as she sat on Y/n's bed reading a book; she didn't look up at the two as she turned the page

"How did you get in here?" Y/n frowned

"Pearl?! What're you doing here?" Amethyst yelped

"Well, I stopped by to check up on Y/n since I noticed they had a cough when they left," Pearl said, "A common symptom of human illness, correct?"

"Correct," Y/n nodded

"Well, imagine my surprise when I find Y/n and their new vehicle gone at prime human resting time," Pearl said as she crossed her arms, "And imagine my greater surprise when you arrive at this time,"

"...How did you get in here?" Y/n asked again

"You don't lock your windows," Pearl told

"What is with you two climbing through my window?" Y/n sighed

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