Chapter 26: Not Over Yet

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"My trial is today! Any word with getting the evidence thrown out?" Principal Finch growled into the phone

"I got a judge who can rule that the evidence was obtained unethically," The man replied, "It won't exonerate you, though,"

"Well, what will it do?!" Principal Finch slammed his fist on the table

"Don't get snappy at me," The man barked, "If you're lucky it will add another four months onto L/n's probation,"

"If I'm lucky?! That does nothing for me!" Principal Finch said, "And on top of that, it might night even happen?"

"Listen, you got yourself in this situation. I can't dig you out," The man told, "And you've got a kid who was charged with something that BARLEY stuck, who has been a model citizen for eight months, taking down an adult who was beating on kids. I doubt any jury or judge would do anything more,"

"Can't we coerce them into a confession that they faked the video?" Principal Finch asked

"I'll contact my people," The man said as he ended the phone call


"Alright, I believe that is enough training for today," Pearl told as Y/n defeated one last hologram, "You've done great,"

"Not good enough," Y/n huffed, "Come on, let's keep going,"

"Keep going? It's been six hours, aren't you tired?" Pearl asked

"That doesn't matter, I have to be prepared," Y/n told

"You have school tomorrow, you can't be exhausted for that," Pearl told, "We can continue tomorrow. You need to rest,"

"I don't need rest, I'm fine," Y/n assured

"Have you completed your school work?" Pearl asked

"Yes, it's all done. I did it before I came here," Y/n told

"You're aware of the time, correct?" Pearl pushed, "It is already 10PM, you have to awake for school by 7AM. You need 8 hours of sleep so I recommend you go home now, wash yourself off, and sleep,"

"Pearl, let me do this!" Y/n unintentionally raised their voice, "...Sorry... I didn't mean to yell,"

"Let me see your hands, please," Pearl sighed, "You sound like I did so many years ago,"

"Why do you need my hands?" Y/n frowned as they dropped their sword and showed Pearl their open palms

"Y/n, look at your hands," Pearl commanded as she held Y/n's hands. They were bright red, raw, and blistered, "Look at them. These hands can withstand a sword strike, scalding temperature, and so much abuse. Look at them now. They need to heal. You've worked too much already,"

"So what?" Y/n took their hands back from Pearl and turned away, "It won't matter what my hands are like during a fight,"

"Well, you're not in a fight right now," Pearl reminded, "Please, Y/n. Take a break, We can resume tomorrow,"

"Fine, first thing when I come back from school," Y/n sighed in defeat

"After you finish your work," Pearl added

"After I finish my work," Y/n sighed

"Let me see your hands one more time," Pearl said as she summoned gauze from her gem

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