Chapter 84: Room For Ruby

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Dark waves gently tumbled against the shore, hitting the beach with a hushed hiss before dragging the soft white sand back to collect on the ocean floor. It was a clear night out, and as the stars twinkled on the surface of the water, it made the serene ocean turn into another night sky. Garnet and Steven stood on the porch, leaning against the banister as they looked up at the small stars.

"Ooh!" Steven exclaimed as a shooting star caught his eye. "There's one! Garnet, you gotta make a wish!"

"Alright." Garnet said.

"Close your eyes!" Steven urged, then paused before giving her a playful glare. "All of them."

"Okay, okay." Garnet chuckled, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Now make your wish! But don't tell me what it is."

Another pause.

"Garnet," Steven whispered. "What did you wish for?"

Resisting the urge to broaden her smile, Garnet turned to look down at Steven,"I wished... for another shooting star, so that you could make a wish.

Flattered by her thoughtfulness, a light blush dusted Steven's cheekbones, "Oh my gosh." He said, smiling up at Garnet.

Like clockwork, Garnet's wish was fulfilled as a bright red streak flashed across the sky. Steven looked up at the sky and gasped.

"Garnet! It worked!" He exclaimed excitedly. A frown stretched across his face as the star got closer.

"Is that star... screaming?"

The object crashed into the beach hard, a cloud of sand exploding into the air. Steven and Garnet trotted down the stairs and approached the crater in the sand. In the center, a ruby lay there on the verge of unconsciousness. Steven gasped loudly.

"It's Navy!" He exclaimed, standing at the edge.

"That's... a Ruby." Garnet corrected.

"Don't you remember?" Steven asked, turning to look at Garnet. "I gave them all names. This one's Navy cause her gem is on her navel." He explained.

"Oh." Garnet hummed. "I finally get it."

Turning back to face Navy, Steven only had a split second to summon his bubble as she leapt at the two. With her face squished against the bubble shield, she looked at Steven with puppy dog eyes and began to plead, "Oh please! Oh please! Don't make me go back to Homeworld! Oh, I wanna stay here with you!"

"This... is a surprise." Garnet muttered. Confused, Steven dissipated his bubble and watched as Navy fell to the ground.

"You... wanna live on Earth?" He asked. Navy sat up, crouched onto her haunches.

"Yeah! All the other rubies are mean to me. I just want to be somewhere where I can be myself!"
Steven frowned slightly.

"You're not mad at us from before?" He asked.

Navy tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"You know, about tricking you into playing baseball?"

"That was fun!" Navy said, smiling.

"Or, when Amethyst pretended to be Jasper." Steven continued.

Navy smirked a bit as she pointed a finger gun at Steven, "I've got to admit, that was pretty clever."

Or when we blasted you all out into space and stole your ship so you'd be stranded forever?" Steven finished.

Navy shrugged slightly, "Well, we were fighting so it was understandable."

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