Chapter 58: Barn Mates/Hit the Diamond

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"Y/n? Y/n, wake up," A voice said as it shook Y/n lightly

"Hmm?" Y/n groaned as they slowly blinked their eyes open to see Dr. Maheswaran, "Peal, is that you?..."

"It's Pearl," Pearl corrected, "With an 'r'"

"Peeeeaaaaalll," Y/n groaned

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Maheswaran asked

"...Fine," Y/n said in a moment of disbelief

"Any pain?" Dr. Maheswaran asked, "Are you breathing well?"

"No more pain," Y/n said as they sat up, "And... I'm breathing fine,"

"Your temperature as dropped to a stable 98.4," Dr. Maheswaran said, "Your treatment ended two hours ago... I know this is supposed to be extremely effective, but... it's not supposed to work this fast,"

"Does this mean Y/n can leave?" Pearl questioned, observing anxiously from the other side of the room. Lapis Lazuli sat next to Y/n's bed, waiting for a moment to speak

"Pearl? Lapis?" Y/n rubbed their eyes, "You're still here?"

"Of course I am," Pearl said, "I couldn't leave you here all alone! Did you not... hear me when I corrected you?"

"Shh," Y/n said

"I couldn't leave you here either" Lapis Lazuli said, "When I see this planet... I want it to be with you,"

"Do you think you can stand?" Dr. Maheswaran asked

"I think so," Y/n nodded

"Try," Dr. Maheswaran said as she stepped back

"L-Let me help," Pearl worried as she rushed forward

"No," Dr. Maheswaran stuck out her arm, "They have to stand on their own,"

Y/n threw their legs over the side of the bed and used their arms to support their upper body as they sat completely up right. Y/n slid off the side of the bed and landed on their feet, after getting their balance Y/n began to walk around the room, dragging the IV stand with them. Y/n went to Pearl and gave her a tight hug, which she immediately reciprocated, "Oh, thank the stars you're okay!"

"Thank you for staying with me... I know it was a long time," Y/n said as they took deep breaths

"I had to make sure I was here when you woke up. A few others came through... The French Fry male came to check on you, as well as Connie. Garnet took Steven home after a few hours," Pearl said as she parted the hug, "Lapis has been waiting here too for you,"

Lapis Lazuli smiled to Y/n as Y/n smiled back to her. Lapis Lazuli gave a small laugh as she ran to Y/n and hugged them tightly, "I haven't seen you on your feet since..."

"I know," Y/n said, "I felt awful that you didn't know... But now you do,"

"I-I can't wait to be with you now," Lapis Lazuli smiled

"I'll go file the discharge papers," Dr. Maheswaran said as she went to leave the room, "Just a warning, make sure to drink lots of water and take the antibiotics I prescribe, your T-Cell count is low due to treatment, you might catch a cold so be proactive,"


"I'll be staying here?" Lapis Lazuli asked as she flew down to the barn, Y/n on her back

"If you don't like it we can find another place," Y/n told as they jumped to the ground

"No, it's great!" Lapis Lazuli smiled, "I love it!"

"Y/n!" Steven and Peridot cheered as they ran up to hug them

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