Chapter 13

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Well, I can officially cross having a party with superheroes off my bucket list. And while I'm still getting used to casual super speed, magic, and telekinesis, superheroes seem to party almost the same as everyone else.

The food is great, the cake being my favorite. M'gann must have asked my mom for her recipe. I'm also pretty sure Kid Flash ate more food than anyone here. It makes sense, seeing as he probably burns calories as fast as can run, but still.

I sit on the couch, with Zatanna and Nightwing on either side of me. I finish the last bite of cake in my mouth and set the plate on the coffee table. I sit back and survey the room, still taking in everyone's face and personalities. It's fascinating how... well, human they are.

It sounds ridiculous, and not just because several of them aren't human to begin with. But having only heard tell of their heroic deeds and high-flying adventures forms an image in people's mind. An image that makes them seem more like Greek gods than people. Watching them have a regular party with regular food and a regular girl like me makes me realize how much like me they are.

And how different I am from them. I could never do what they do.

The thought crossed my mind almost immediately after the incident. But I pushed it away as quickly as it had come. I could never be a hero. Not only would it be dangerous for me, but it would put the Team and everyone I care about at risk. I can't imagine being in a life-threatening situation with someone, with no way to communicate. ASL and Morse code would be too slow to save someone's life. I couldn't live with myself if someone died because I couldn't save them. Worst case scenarios begin to play out in my head, including one that actually happened.

I shake the depressing thoughts from my head just in time. M'gann calls my name and I look up at her.

"Are you ready to open presents?" she asks.

"Presents?" I ask with an inquisitive look.

"If that's what it is in sign language, then yes," she answers. She points near the TV, and for the first time I notice a small pile of presents. Most aren't very big.

I nod, and they pass he first gift to me. It's one of the bigger ones. I read the tag. "To: Willow, From: Robin"

I smile at the dark headed boy and open the gift. Inside is the box for a silver laptop. I look at the features listed, and the very expensive looking picture on the front. I stare at him, eyes wide. This is exactly the one I asked my parents for.

"I had it programmed with the best text-to-speech app available," he explains, obviously pleased with himself. "The audio/visual editing program is also top-notch."

Like the strawberry cake, I'm surprised he knew I loved to edit. I figure he asked my parents what I wanted, then I realize everyone probably did that.

"How did you afford this?" I ask, knowing how much it costs, even on sale.

"I have friends in high places," Robin replies after Nightwing translates. They share a look that makes me wonder if what he just said was an inside joke.

"Thanks," I sign. He understands, since it's a common sign. A random thought occurs to me and I turn to Nightwing.

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