Chapter 22

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Over the course of the next week I get into a routine. Wake up. Go to school. Survive the day. Get home. Rush through homework. Start researching. Go to bed. Repeat. Like an artist inspired, my mind is consumed with my recent project. The good thing about being mute is I don't have to worry about misspeaking in front of my parents.

So far I haven't gotten far, but I have a basic plan. I sit in my room, evening breaking through my window as I stare at a prioritized list of what I need. Some of these will be easy to come by, others will be difficult.

The impossible barriers that keep resurfacing in my mind are the ones I live with. My parents can't know. Without the Team and the League's approval, it won't matter if I've graduated or not. They'll never let me do this.

I've debated letting Mel and Bridgett into the fold. It would make getting resources a whole lot easier, and I'll have an easy way to get out of the house. Then I remember the only thing that will do is put my best friends in danger. For now, at least, they need to be as far away from the superhero business as possible. If I want to tread this path, I'll have to do it alone.

I asked my mom if I could go on a trip to the mall, and she reluctantly agreed to let me go on my own. I just hope it has everything I need. I look at my list.

At the top is "disguise".


My mom drops me off at the mall the next day a little after ten. I have my new alert necklace and my fully charged phone. I also brought most of my money from birthdays and Christmases. I have a feeling this stuff isn't gonna come cheap.

Three hours later I exit the mall with a load of bags. It doesn't take me long to spot my mom's car. I hope she doesn't ask what's in the bag. Then I'd be dead for sure. I reach the car, and load my bags in the trunk.

"Did you get everything you needed?" she asks.

"Yes," I answer confidently. "I'm all set."


The next two weeks are spent researching and practicing (behind closed doors of course). I split my time between fire, density shifting, and combat. I don't have the luxury of a professional trainer, so the vast reaches of the internet will have to do. I start small with basic self-defense skills, then a few more advanced lessons.

I also don't have a sparring partner, so I make do with the tall lamp in my room. Every time I swing a punch at my fake opponent, I resent the Team even more.

I refuse to let myself mourn it anymore. I've spent enough time crying over it as it is. I've forced myself to forgive M'gann and Nightwing. It's not their fault they were outvoted. If I ever see them again, I'll make it right. Then again, if I do see them again, hopefully they won't be able to recognize me.

I sit at my computer, researching as much as I can about Dr. Hamilton and Cadmus. I set up a firewall and other security measures on my computer so I don't end up on some government watchlist somewhere. Years of editing have made me pretty good with computers, but I'm no hacker. The internet doesn't offer much help. Apparently the universe doesn't want me knowing anything about the people who kidnapped me.

I drive myself nearly crazy, writing down every detail I can remember. I search maps and databases for warehouses in Gotham. If I can find that warehouse, half of my job will be done. Unfortunately, Cadmus is good at hiding their resources. My search is fruitless. However, through my constant research I've studied maps of Gotham, learning every nook and cranny in the city.

I finally decide I need some experience before going up against people like Cadmus. There's no shortage of crime in Gotham, so any night is a good night for practice.

Tomorrow night will work nicely.


Hello beautiful readers!

So sorry for the really late update. Honestly, this chapter was a bit boring to write since it's really a filler chapter, so I didn't give it much attention and procrastinated. I decided to make it a little shorter instead of forcing it to be long and important. Thanks for bearing with me. I'm sorry my updates aren't consistent. I know it's frustrating (trust me, I've been on the receiving end of this), but hopefully the next chapter is more interesting. I've just not had a lot of time recently. I'll try to keep in touch more, if not to post a chapter than at least to keep you posted on what's going on. As a junior in high school, my schedule is a bit crazy, but I'm working on making it less hectic and frustrating for you guys! Thanks for being patient with my procrastination.

Anyway, how did you like this chapter? Will Willow make a good hero? Will the Team find out? Will she find Cadmus? Post your thoughts and predictions in the comments section below!

Please comment, vote, and follow if you like this chapter/story! It means the world to me!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next time!

TTFN!!!!!!!! (Ta-Ta For Now)


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