This is Gospel

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"You sure you got everything?" I asked my friend as he tossed his duffle bag into the backseat of his car before slamming the door shut to look at me.
"Yeah but you aren't listening and aren't getting into my damn car"
"I already told you I'll come visit soon. Just not now because finals are in a couple weeks and I need to get my ass in gear"
"But come home with me! My mom misses you" he begged headlocking me and making sure to pull my hair out of the messy bun I had it in since it hasn't been washed in three days; disgusting I know but we didn't go anywhere on the weekend so I saw no purpose.
"Get off my property you annoying ten year old" I said pushing him off me and redoing my hair only making him do it again causing laughter to leave his lips once he noticed my annoyed expression.
"I love you Evelyn" he cooed as he clasped his hands together and rocked on his feet like a child with the biggest shithead grin ever.
"If you love me leave me alone and go home" he rolled his eyes and opened his car door which was slight process seeing as we've been standing outside for the past half hour trying to say goodbye but just couldn't; he had a twelve hour drive ahead of him and school tomorrow yet it was reaching eight am on the Sunday and he still hadn't left the state.

"I'll call you when I get home, Kay?" He asked tossing his keys in the drivers seat and opening his arms for the third hug of the morning but nonetheless I accepted it, taking in that the cologne I had gotten him for Christmas was lingering on his freshly washed Metallica t-shirt as I knew I wouldn't be able to see-smell-him for a while and it slightly saddened me; video chats weren't the same even though I could see him. It was through a screen, I wasn't physically with him.
"Drive safe" I warned letting go and looking into his eyes which held tears making me laugh so my own wouldn't water.
"Don't start crying!" I shouted smacking his arm which only made him laugh as well and wipe his eyes.
"How can I not? I'm leaving my best friend in the whole wide world and going back to a place we grew up together. Eve it's hard not having you at school or hanging out in my room playing bass or the weekends which we would spend at the summer house"
"But before you know it I'll be in your room playing again and teaching you cool bass lines and tanning at your summer house. Summer is almost here anyway, okay?" He smiled down at me and nodded; summer wasn't my favourite season but spending it with Pete defiantly made me feel better. He was still upset but got in his car and I stepped back as I watched him turn it on and reverse onto the road before rolling down the passenger seat window and saying a final goodbye as I watched him speed down the road and make a left hand turn before I could no longer see him.

I sighed as made my way back to the house to see my dad and brother weren't anywhere to be seen meaning they were still sleeping-who would be awake at this hour on a Sunday anyways-and decided to make myself breakfast which consisted of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. After I poured myself a bowl, I set out to the living room and turned the tv on which was on the sports channel so I switched it to MTV to see they were playing music videos which interested me since Green Day's Basket Case was currently being shown.

Mikey has always wanted to be in a band but couldn't stand in front of a classroom to present something for the life of him let alone a sold out arena to play music for a crowd of people. Him and Gerard were in a band called Ray Gun Jones last year but it died after Gerard and his girlfriend broke up because she took her bass back-it was sitting in the Way family's basement for some reason-and Mikey couldn't play it anymore. He was planning on getting one for himself but then the drummer quit and a three piece band wouldn't work-even if the guitarist knew how to play drums-because Gerard was only capable of playing Sweet Home Alabama. He wanted to be a musician and be in a band like The Pumpkins and despite how many times Gerard has told his brother to not let fear get to him, Mikey the hardhead wouldn't listen; however I see him on stage with Gerard and I've said it so many times but he just calls me crazy and says it won't happen. I feel like it has something to do with his terrible self esteem but I wouldn't dare bring that up in the topic of music.

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