Golden Trio Heartbreak

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Golden Trio Heartbreak

March 13th 2008

Three months after Minster of Magic and Order of Merlin recipient Hermione Granger announced her divorce from fellow Order of Merlin recipient Ronald Weasley we've yet to catch either out publicly. We're sure our poor minister must be heartbroken after having lost her life long love. An anonymous source close to the minister stated "She's surely working herself to death over this. That's why we've not seen her. Always keeps herself busy instead of dealing with problems head on." Ms. Granger is clearly avoiding the problem which multiple Medi-witches have advised me is unhealthy. While we've yet to receive word from their party of the reason for their split we wish them both the best.

-Rita Skeeter

Draco rolled his eyes and tossed the prophet down on the table he and Blaise were sharing. Blaise and Theo were his only real friends from school left and while Theo was off chasing tails in Europe, Blaise had stayed by Draco's side helping him manage the various Malfoy businesses. Draco dealt with the people, the meetings and Blaise dealt with everything behind the scenes to keep Malfoy Inc afloat. Draco was exceedingly grateful to have such a friend.

Blaise quirked an eyebrow at Draco over the tea he was sipping across from him. They often stopped at this Café near the Malfoy Inc headquarters in the morning before heading to their offices. Being the heads of the company gave them some liberties that they often took advantage of. For Blaise, it was short skirted secretaries and for Draco it was an ability to be flexible with his time.

Blaise glanced down at the copy of today's prophet that Draco had just stopped reading and put down his tea cup. He wasn't one for reading the gossip columns but after skimming the article he understood the morose face now plaguing his friend. He stared at Draco, eyebrow still quirked, with a knowing look until Draco looked up from his brooding.

As Draco reached for his coffee he saw his friend watching him.

"What?" Draco asked a bit too aggressively for the occasion.

Blaise rolled his eyes and put his elbows on the table, clasping his hands under his chin.

"You know very well, what" Blaise said, not at all effected by Draco's grouchiness. He eyed the article and looked back at Draco.

Knowing his jig was up Draco sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I can't stand that they paint her as some heartbroken, lovesick fool – as if she'd be anything like that – Surely Weasel is the one who ought to be moping around and probably is - heartbroken that is... Honestly. It's as if they don't know her at all. She's not some .. some.. teenage girl. She's the Minister of Magic for Merlin's sake. I hardly believe she's curled up in her office crying her eyes out." Draco rambled off

"Of course not – Although whoever said she's working herself to death is probably correct. I saw her in the atrium at the ministry a few weeks ago and she did look a bit .. haggard. I'm sure she's just avoiding the firestorm of media. Anyone who knows how Rita operates as well as we all do would do the same. Draco If I didn't know any better I'd say that you were worried about Granger. Why has this got your wand in such a knot?"

Blaise of course knew that's exactly what had Draco's wand in knot.

Draco Spluttered. "I could care less. I'm just sick of this.. trifle they call news.." Draco stated huffily.

Blaise gave him another knowing look. "Look Draco, I know you care for her." He placed a hand in the air to stop Draco's renewed spluttering. "Perhaps send her a note or pop by the office and just check in on her. It's not as if you couldn't say that you're friendly. You and Potter are decently close now.. There's no reason you can't just stop by"

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