Tomorrow will be better

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Somewhere in the midst of Draco and Hermione's Malfoy Manor romp he had apparated them to his own - grown up - bed. Draco was clever enough to do this while Hermone was mid-orgasm so she hardly noticed the sensation of apparition. Hermione gasped as her back hit the mattress. Weren't we already laying down? She thought for a moment before looking around and seeing she was in a different room. Draco smirked from above her and rolled off of her  as she quickly sat up. "You cant just.. ugh" she sighed, and laid back down. "I cant even stand yet so I'm going to yell at the ceiling" He nodded and listened as she told him how it was rude apparate without permission and 'how could she be sure where they were going' and 'what if they got splinched' and he just nodded with a serious expression, appreciating the way her face moved when she was angry. When she had said her fill she sat up and looked around. This room was rather the same but a bit larger. The bed was bigger and had four posters and a fancier bed spread. His bathroom seemed bigger and she could see a walk in closet. "You know I'm the bloody minister of magic and my bathroom isn't that big." She huffed and he laughed. He enjoyed this more mature but still similar version of Hermione he had grown to care for before graduation. He knew she must still be partial to long, indulgent baths. "Use mine any time" He said with a smirk. "Draco.. Our clothes are still at the manor." she said rolling her eyes. 

Draco apparated back to the manor trying to contain his laughter. They got re-dressed and Draco gave her the full tour of his home. It was much like the manor in that it was grand, and was rather dark. Hermione noticed the recurrence of mahogany and wondered if it was a Malfoy thing or if he was just partial to it. Still there were large windows throughout giving a rather spectacular view of a park across the street. A large yard out back and a big open feel. She rather liked his home. They sat on the couch, limbs intertwined, and just talked for a while. They talked about Draco's work and how they had this new deal in the bag if he could just figure out how to convince the VP at Puddlemere United that steam and ice baths were beneficiary to the players. "Why I bought that company I'll never know but he's the last hold out" He sighed. She laughed. He asked her about her plans for the week and she told him about her bi-monthly tea with the previous minister. "That's about the most exciting thing I have planned. Aside from paperwork" Then, she told him about when she first started at the ministry and Kingsley Shacklebolt first asked her to his office she spilled coffee on a press release, four books and the minister himself. "And then he promoted you, what, like a year later?" Draco asked. "I remember seeing it in the paper. Everyone knew you'd get the top job just not so fast" "11 months actually" She said with her head held high and he chuckled. She'd do well as a Malfoy he thought she's already got enough pride. He quelled that thought quickly as he saw her check the clock. 

"I really should be going" She said and he could detect a hint of disappointment and it made his heart twinge in a wonderful way. "You know, You really have improved my mood. I feel so much better and .. " she trailed off and looked up at him" We only ran into each other the other day.." She stood and he wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck. He smiled down at her. "You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear" He said softly against her lips before they kissed goodbye. She turned a grabbed a fist full of powder and as she began to speak her destination he slapped her bum and said "A good shag will do that for ya babe" He managed to send a wink her way before she disappeared. 

She was giggling as she turned around to see Harry Potter leaning against back of a chair, ankles and arms crossed smirking at her. Ginny was kneeling on the couch with her arms on the back of the chair and her hands under her chin. She was smiling wildly at Hermione. 

Getting over the fright quickly Hermione looked at both of them innocently "What?" She asked. 

One of them must have had a copy handy because before she knew it a copy of the paper with her and Draco on the front page was put in her face. She swatted it away angrily and Harry flinched. She looked at Ginny. "Your brother informed us of it this morning."

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