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Draco knew that if he put Hermione down he'd have to dodge punches so instead of setting her down upon arrival in their living room he left her on his shoulder as he made his way upstairs to collect their bags. Eventually she was jerking around too much for him to get anything accomplished so he put her down. He silenced her before she could say more than "You can't just.."

He could see the fire in her eyes from having been silenced but he ignored it and cupped her face in his hands. "Sometimes you need to walk away, take some time focusing on you and everything else will fall into place. Potter has it handled at work so just let go and let yourself recharge."

She narrowed her eyes at him. 

"Before you say that I can't just kidnap you and take you away in the middle of a case and a million other things going on, practically the whole ministry was in on this and everything is covered. Please don't worry about a thing for the next two weeks." She made a muffled sound of shock and he kissed the top of her head. "I'm not the only one who cares about you and I'm definitely not the only one who thinks you need some time away. So please enjoy it and do not make me ask you to enjoy it again." 

She pursed her lips silently looking up at him. "Now, If I give you your voice back are you going to yell at me for this very nice thing I've done?"

Lips still pursed she shook her head slowly. "Good Girl" He murmured and saw some of the anger dissolve from her eyes as he removed the silencing charm.

She cleared her throat daintily and asked primly "are you going to tell me where you're taking me?" 

A wild smirk crossed Draco's face as he said "Miami"


Nearly 11 hours later a very sleepy couple opened the front door to a palatial beachfront property in a Miami neighborhood surrounded by bars and food trucks.

After doing a thorough walk-through of the house that included a section of very private beach Draco and Hermione ended up cuddled up together on the chaise lounge on the patio.

"You know, It was very nice of Theo to get us those Passports." Hermione said quietly, her head tucked into Draco's chest.

"Mmm" he said in response. "I've had one for a while now but he got yours a few months ago. I knew you'd need one soon."

"You normally travel via muggle plane?" She asked, surprised.

"Yes actually, when you can get a private jet it makes things much easier. How else would I get to New York when I need to? Would you rather I purchase a cruise ship?"

She laughed. "You don't have enough gold in gringotts to get your own cruise ship, Draco."

He grunted in disagreement but didn't say more. Little did she know that Malfoy Inc. had considered getting into the cruise ship business on more than one occasion. Maybe he'd send a few owls and have a ship to take home by the time their vacation ended.

Not much later they made their way to bed to sleep off their jet lag


After a day of lazing around in bed and discovering what food was around them by the second full day in Miami Hermione had accepted that it was time to laze about and enjoy herself. Self care and all that she told herself.

She was laid back in the sun, on a bit of public beach that was a bit nearer to their favorite tiki bar as Draco began making his way towards her, two drinks in hand.

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