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Hermione woke with a start and headache the next morning. Thankful that she hadn't woken up late she rushed to the bathroom to clean herself up and clear her mind. The hot water of her shower relaxed her nerves. Leaning against the shower wall she took a moment to think back on how Draco and herself had grown close after returning to Hogwarts. feels like so long ago now... He had been so broken after the final battle. She recalled the image of Draco and Narcissa sitting alone, after Lucius was carted off by Kingsley, and looking around as if waiting to be dragged away themselves. Of course, the two of them were never charged, just tracked, everyone knew they had been loyal to Lucius not Lord Voldemort himself. Even Lucius made a deal to keep himself out of Azkaban. Hermione had considered speaking with them the day of their "family trial" as it were but after they spoke with Harry and a few other order members they left, heads hung low. Hermione had returned the next year to Hogwarts with Ginny while Ron and Harry went right to Auror training. The first night back she had been wandering around the castle to keep the nightmares at bay and heard whimpering in a corner.

"Draco?" Hermione all but whispered. Draco jumped up but she could see the blood dripping down his arm. His left arm where his dark mark had been, or still was – she didn't know. His right hand was dripping as well and she deduced he had been trying to scratch the mark off. He had made to leave but she stopped him. They had spoken a few times since the final battle. Mostly at the ministry along with Harry. She knew they couldn't consider the other a friend but clearly Draco needed someone. She looked him in the eye and whispered "its okay." She squeezed his hand and pulled him into a tight hug. She tried to pour as much care into him as she had. She hated to see so many of her friends and fellow students hurting. She knew that if they were to heal they'd need to do it together. She felt him shudder under her and knew that the dam broke. He let out a sob and she held him tighter trying desperately to stop imagining the heavy guilt he must be feeling. She found it wasn't difficult to forgive him for his childish behavior in the past. 

Hemione's heart was heavy with the memory of that night as she went through the rest of her morning routine without paying attention to what she was doing. It was after that first night back that her and Draco had begun to study together and to meet by the lake. One would send a note to the other and they'd meet. Sometimes just as a distraction. Sometimes she'd wake from her night terrors and he'd remind her that it's over. Other times they'd meet for fun or to work on projects together. She had gotten to know Blaise as well. She enjoyed getting to know the "snakes" as Ronald had called them and McGonagall had been so happy to see such inter-house cooperation. The three of them ended up paired in quite a few classes together. Showing the entire school how to heal and move on - together. Something that was so necessary for success in this new world.. Seeing him last night had brought these memories back fresher than they had been in years. He was still the same charming, silly gentleman she had befriended before but he seemed much more of a man now. She blushed remembering her thoughts from last night.. Time had done him justice.

She sighed. Her positively ancient cat Crookshanks mewed at her breaking her train of thought. "of course old man" she mumbled as she put some food in his bowl and proceeded to floo to Harry and Ginny's house for a quick cup of tea. Arriving in the Potters fireplace she was startled to find both Harry and Ginny standing directly in front of her staring her down. Both with knowing smirks on their faces.

She looked innocently back at them. "What?"

Hermione could tell Ginny was trying not to laugh as Harry cleared his throat. "Ginny tells me your girls night was cut short by a ferret." At that Ginny bust out laughing and fell onto the sofa.

Hermione rolled her eyes and went to their kitchen to get her tea while Harry stared her down waiting for a response.

She sighed and took a sip. Closing her eyes she said "Yes, I had a few drinks with Draco and he walked me home.." She trailed off wondering if she should tell them about Ron. "We.. We also saw your brother" She said looking at Ginny. The smiles both fell off of their faces. Knew that would shut them up "Did you guys know he was seeing someone?"

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