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Draco smirked down at her. After receiving her note, he took it to mean literally anytime and gave into his urge to see her again. A small leap of faith he had hoped would pay off. He wasn't entirely sure if she'd appreciate seeing so much of him but he couldn't help himself.. He watched as she took in his dark jeans and green v neck long sleeve tee shirt and thought well perhaps this will pay off more than anticipated  but he pushed that thought away knowing in the current situation she'd need to be the one to suggest it. He had no idea if she was even close to moving on romantically or sexually for that matter but wanted to woo her and spend time by her side all the same. It felt just like when they were at Hogwarts except this time there was no Ronald sending her letters every day, no red haired Pollock – just her. If he has one, this may be his only chance.

Once over her surprise, she let him in taking the bottle of Firewhiskey he had brought and leading him to the kitchen. Even in loose joggers he could appreciate her bum.

She set down the bottle and got two glasses indicating he pour them drinks. He popped open the bottle and pouring them both a generous helping.

"Are you trying to get me drunk again Malfoy?"

Yes "Perhaps" he said, thankful that it was Friday and that she would be allowed to relax.

She smiled and toasted him. Clinking glasses, they both took a sip. She hummed appreciatively as he asked "So, Whatcha cookin for me?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow. She took another sip and turned around to check the cabinets and fridge. "Well, I don't have much on hand since you didn't let me prepare" She turned and gave him a playful glare then turned back. "Well, I could make some fish and rice or pasta puttanesca. Your choice."

Draco took a sip and considered for a moment. "Pasta. Can I help?"

She smiled warmly up at him. Clearly not having expected him to offer his assistance. "I won't argue with that, but.. you know how to cook?" She asked gently.

He laughed "I've been on my own for a while Hermione, I had to eat" He said still laughing. She remained thoughtful for a moment. Perhaps Draco had changed even further since they had been at school together. She knew for a fact that the manor had house elves and that, really, he had no reason to cook for himself. She looked down as she was grabbing a pot from a bottom cupboard and realized she was still wearing her joggers. Her face warming, she stood bolt upright. "uhh..." She stammered, suddenly embarrassed. "Let me change first.." She muttered.

Before Draco could tell her she was fine as she was, she was gone. He heard a distant thud which must have been her door closing and he laughed again. Grabbing the pot he filled it up with water from the sink and set it on the cook top. Waiting for her to return he drifted out of the kitchen and into the living room. He looked around appreciatively and saw that there was a powder room down a small hallway that lead to what appeared to be a sun room of sorts. In front of him was the living room. A grand fireplace took up the majority of the room as did worn sofas that looked old in the best way. The walls were lined with mahogany book shelves that were all but full. This made him smile. He had always wanted to show Hermione the library at the Manor but had never had any real reason to take her there. Perhaps now he would. She'd enjoy it as it was really just a larger version of this room.

Scattered throughout the shelves were photos. Most magical but some muggle and un-moving. He rolled his eyes and fought the urge to turn down a photo of Hermione with Harry and Ronald at graduation but stopped at a photo of Hermione and her parents at the same event. This photo was muggle. He smiled remembering how happy Hermione had been when half way through their last year Harry had sent word that they had found her parents and restored their memories. Next to this was a photo of her with her parents again but this photo must have been before their Hogwarts days. Before he ever spit unkind words in her face. Probably before she knew she was a witch. She was sitting on her fathers lap and looking up at him with such adoration. He smiled. A part of him, however deep down, couldn't wait to have a little tyke to look at him like that. Inwardly he wondered what kind of mother Hermione would be. He knew Ron was wrong. She'd be a loving and nurturing mother. While Draco was imagining life as a father Hermione walked into the living room and stood next to him.

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