Defense Rests

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Hermione was first to wake up the next morning and decided to slip out of bed early. Knowing full well if she had waited they would have stayed in bed far longer than she meant to. 

At least if he's asleep I can resist him, she thought, mentally rolling her eyes at herself. She would have enjoyed nothing else more than to give into her desires of shagging Draco for the rest of the day but she wanted to get this business with Ronald over with. Sooner rather than later. Harry had owled them late that night that he had managed to get the trial moved up to that morning. Great start to a Monday she had thought as she had read the owl. She felt a great sense of anger at Ron's actions but also a strong need to help him. He was family after all. Everything else aside, he was family. The visit from the Weasleys the previous day had helped her realize that. It had also given her a rather grand idea for his sentencing. She knew that even if the wizengamot had crazy ideas of what cell they were going to throw him into, if she suggested a reasonable sentence and provided examples of similar cases they'd have to take her suggestion. But how to make the suggestion. 

Was this a twisted situation? Yes. Was she using her position to help someone? Yes. Every time she felt any sort of guilt or shame over this she shoved it away. She was doing the right thing. She was getting Ron a fair sentence for the crime he committed, Showing the minsitry that she was in charge. Also she was hoping to shed a bit more light on Wizard alcoholism. This was not something recognized by most Wizards as it was seen as a Muggle problem. Hermione wanted to show this world that addiction was a human issue, not a Muggle one.  

Yes she nodded to herself as she flooed to the atrium of the Ministry early that morning yes, this is a good thing. This will be okay. I'm just simply taking out multiple birds with the same stone. Either way she was doing as she wished. Feeling rather empowered she entered her office with her head held high and a handful of court records she had obtained from the court's library on her way up. 

Three hours later Draco found her in her office, Stacks of papers around her, face buried in a pile of paperwork in front of her. Her hair was a mess of frizz all around her. He smiled to himself and knowing she had not noticed him he decided to enjoy the view. Had the circumstances not been so serious he could have laughed seeing her like this. He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms watching her work. research has always been her favorite he thought to himself. Ignoring the giggles of her secretaries who appeared to be starting their day, Draco stood and watched Hermione do her thing. Thoroughly enjoying the view until a haggard looking Harry Potter tapped him on the shoulder. 

"You look terrible, Potter" 

"Gee, thanks" Harry mumbled. "When did she get here" He asked quietly. 

"She snuck out of bed at about 4 this morning. I don't think she slept much after you sent that owl but maybe it's better to get this over with. So she can move on" 

Harry nodded slowly. 

"Sorry, perhaps that's selfish of me to say.." Draco said

"No, it's really not. I want the same thing.. " Harry sighed. "This is just.. this is fucked up. Why is the victim mounting the defendants defense.. Its just.. " 

"Ludicrous I think is a valid description of the situation, Harry." Hermione's voice stated from her desk. She hadn't even looked up from her papers. 

Draco tried to hide his smirk as his gaze returned to Hermione and Harry was shaking his head next to him. They both entered her office and sat in the two chairs in front of her desk. 

She looked up to briefly smile and Draco. "I knew you were there. You're not as stealthy as you think, you know." 

Draco put his hand to his chest in mock offence and Harry just shook his head. 

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