Chapter 1

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Hermione stood at the gates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The castle looked the same as ever, it's long turrets and towers standing tall and silent, gleaming gold in the rising sun. There was no sign, that just a few months back, the castle was almost utterly destroyed. Blown apart by the Great Wizarding War...

Hermione sighed, clenching her jaw. There was no point in dreading about the past. Voldemort was finished, the Dark side had lost, and a new era was going to begin. Had already begun, in fact. Letters were sent out as usual to all the 11 year old witches and wizards across Britain. Many of the students from Hermione's year had decided not to come back though. Too many memories..too much pain..too many loses.
But Hermione had come back. She'd come back after all that happened, because for one, she had to finish her education and take her N.E.W.T.S. and two, she felt like she owed something to the school, like she wanted to give back something to the one place she felt she always belonged.
Standing at the gates, she felt a bit alone, but that was hardly something to complain about. She already missed Harry and Ron, who weren't returning that year, having already started their Auror training. She looked around for some sign of Ginny, Neville and Luna. They'd promised they would meet her at the school gates. She wasn't sure she could face going inside, alone. She inhaled deeply, trying to rid her mind of the screams that had echoed across the grounds on that horrible, horrible night.
Someone put a hand on her shoulder. Ginny.

"Hey.." she said softly.

"What kept you?" Hermione asked, hugging her friend.

"Had to send an owl to Harry. Neville and Luna are coming now. Ah look, they're here."

Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood, came walking towards them.
"Hey you guys." said Neville, grinning broadly.

"Hello." Luna said, skipping on her feet.

Hermione smiled at the three of them.

The four of them stood and watched the castle apprehensively. There was no need to tell what was going on in their minds. Would they ever be able to see the castle, without remembering horrific scenes from the battle?

"C'mon." Ginny muttered and pushed open the gates. They walked towards the double doors, looking around at the grounds. It looked exactly the same, except for one small detail. There was a small pillar in the middle, on which were engraved the names of all those who lost their lives in the battle. A war memorial. Hermione shuddered as the lifeless forms of Fred, Remus and Tonks flashed before her eyes. This was going to be harder than she'd imagined.

Professor McGonnagal stood waiting for them in the entrance hall. She smiled when she saw them, a rare treat to their eyes. "Welcome back, all of you."

"It's good to be back, Professor." Luna quipped.

"There aren't going to be any drastic changes. You'll all still sleep in your dorms, but I daresay I've informed you three- she said this looking at Neville, Luna and Ginny- that you've been made prefects?"

The three of them nodded. "As for Miss Granger," she turned towards Hermione smiling. "Congratulations on being made Head Girl, dear."

"Thank you Professor." Hermione smiled. "Who's head boy, though?"

"Mr. Malfoy." Hermione felt like a stone dropped in her stomach. Draco Malfoy, ex-death eater, Head Boy of Hogwarts?

Perhaps something showed in her expression, for McGonagal sighed and said, "I hope you will be able to keep your prejudices apart and work together as a team. It has been a terrible ordeal for all of us, and keeping grudges will not help. It will only lead to more pain."

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