Chapter 13

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The week flew by and before Draco knew it, it was Saturday evening. He was standing at the entrance of the Great Hall, wearing bottle green robes, his hands tied behind his back. He was attracting the attention of many girls, but he ignored them. He was a bit reluctant to come to the party, but since he was Head boy and McGonagall had told he was to lead the dance with Granger, he had no choice.

And speaking of Granger... he smiled lightly. Surprisingly, after his talk with her on the lake, his heart felt a little lighter. Sure his guilt still weighed him down, but it wasn't as bad as before. He had fewer nightmares now, he could eat a little more, and overthink a little less. 

He kept thinking about what would have happened had he stood his ground and refused to do what the Dark Lord told him to. He supposed he would be dead by now, but he was wondering if that was such a bad thing. He wouldn't have had to deal with the pain of guilt, right? He wasn't so sure. He didn't think the guilt would leave him even if he had died. It was better to live and slowly recover from the pain, than die with the heavy weight on his heart and soul. He was grateful he had Granger with him. He was grateful she didn't loath him like he loathed himself. It made him more anchored to the mortal world. It made him feel like even he was wanted somewhere by someone in this world, though he felt like he didn't deserve it.

There was a sudden hush that ran through the crowd waiting for the doors of the Great Hall to open. Draco looked around, seeking who everyone else was staring at...

His heart seemed to falter for a bit, and his stomach whooped. Everyone else vanished. An angel was walking towards him, an angel sent from the Heaven above...

She was dressed in a red satin gown, with a slit near her mid thigh, revealing her long, shapely legs. Her brown hair fell down her shoulders, glimmering. Her red lips were shaped into a small, delicious smile. The color of her gown bought out the warmth in her eyes. Her eyes... Merlin, he was entranced.

Her eyes were like gravity...pulling him towards her. At that moment, he had never seen anyone so beautiful in his life.

He was Dante...and she was his Beatrice. And this Dante could hardly believe that he had the fortune to spend the evening with Beatrice.

Angel... Goddess...Stunning...Gorgeous...

Draco Malfoy didn't have the words to describe how beautiful Hermione Granger looked to him that evening.

"Hi." she said, and the sound of her voice which was like melted honey (sweet and succulent), bought him out of his daze. He became aware of everyone staring at her. At his angel. He realized he had been gaping at her, and quickly closed his mouth and cleared his throat.

"You have a lot of admirers today, Granger." He commented.

She laughed and he was lost in the sound. "Shut up." she said, hooking her hands through his. "We have to dance. Try not to trip."

"Oh yeah?" He challenged. "What's the bet you're a better dancer than I am?"

She looked at him, mischief glinting in her eyes. "A kiss."

His heart rate picked up. Before he could answer, the doors of the hall opened and all conversation came to an end. Draco felt like he had walked back in time. It was the Yule Ball all over again. A dance floor in the middle, bathed in soft shimmering lights, the Weird Sisters playing music in the far corner, the tables pushed to the walls.

Draco remembered very well how he had felt on the night of the Yule Ball when Granger had walked in from the doors. He hadn't recognized her first, but when he heard her talking to Victor Krum...there was no doubt in his mind. He remembered feeling stunned that he had never noticed how beautiful she was.
This evening, he felt like it was another version of the Yule Ball, where a small portion of his dream had come true. He was the one with Hermione Granger. Not Victor Krum, not Weasel king, not anyone. A sense of accomplishment coursed through him as he led her down the hall and onto the dance floor.

"Ready?" she asked. Draco nodded and cautiously placed a hand on her slim waist and clasped her hand in his other. She stepped closer placing her hand on his shoulder. The music started and the two glided around gracefully. Neither of them tripped, and neither of them stepped on each others toes. Draco forgot that many people were staring at them, not to mention the the glares directed towards him from the Gryffindors, and the ones towards Granger from the Slytherins. But he didn't care nor bother to look at anyone else. It was only him and a girl called Hermione, a normal couple dancing on a normal dance floor.

Draco twirled her around, and she laughed, her eyes crinkling and her hair gently flying around. He had never felt so content in his life; content to just watch her having a good time...because of him. He pulled her close, snaking his hands around her to hold her firmly in place. They gazed at each other for a long moment. Draco's eyes moved around her face, trying to memorize every detail. The curve of her nose, the number of tiny freckles, the long lashes, the soft, creamy skin of her cheeks, the plum-like red lips...

"Plum." he said softly.

"What?" she whispered. He cleared his throat.

"Obviously, we've both shown our talents here, although I must say I'm a shade more skillful at dancing than you are."

She scoffed. "Oh, please. We both know you're just saying that to console yourself."

"Console myself?"

She hummed just as the Weird Sisters stopped playing. Draco only now noticed that other couples had been dancing next to them, too. They quickly let go of each other, muttered a see you later and parted ways.

Draco grabbed a Fire whiskey and went to sit down on the nearby table. He watched as the Weird Sisters started on the next song, and people pooled into the dance floor. Someone sat down next to him, and Draco turned to see Blaise watching him closely.

"Enjoyed?" Draco asked, sipping his Fire whiskey.

"I could ask you the same." Blaise said, sounding suspicious.

"What do you mean?"

"You looked like you had fun with Miss Bookworm."

Draco nearly chocked on his drink. "Sorry?"

"Shove it up. You like her, don't you?"

"Piss off, Blaise. I don't know what you're talking about." Draco glared at his friend. But Blaise didn't give up so easily. He never did.

"You know people aren't going to be happy about this. Imagine Potter and Weasley reacting to this, if they found out that you-"

"It's nothing like you think it is." Draco interrupted. "So drop it, all right?"

"When did it start?"


"All right, all right." Blaise said raising his hands in surrender.

There was a moment's silence, then-

"You really aren't-?" Blaise started but Draco had had enough.

"Do you want me to shout out in front of everyone that you have a thing for Lovegood?" Draco hissed.

Blaise was as pale as the Bloody Baron. "What-What are you on about?"

Draco smirked. "Please, Blaise Zabini. I've seen you acting like a lovey-boy in front of her, okay? And pairing up with her in every other activity in class...Tsk tsk."

Draco drank some more, enjoying the burn in his throat and the look on his best friend's face. "So unless you want everyone to know about it..." Draco said, "drop it about Granger."

"I think you've lost your mind." Blaise said evenly. "How can I-?"

At that moment, right on time, Luna Lovegood herself walked up to them. Blaise glanced from Draco to Luna, now paler than ever.

"Oh hi Draco." she said smiling. Draco nodded, trying to hide his smirk at the look of horror on Blaise's face. "Why did you call me here, Blaise?"

Draco stood up, gave Blaise a smug look, nodded once more to the Luny and walked away, smirking. He felt more like his usual self than he had in years...

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