Chapter 10

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How could he! How could he just walk off like that? His silence raised as many questions as it answered. And why was he acting so peculiarly? How has your week been? Oh sure, ask the muggle-born how her week was after leaving her aching between her legs. How very comfortable it had been, she thought savagely, as she stormed up the staircases.

On the fifth floor, her bag ripped open and all her books, quills, parchment and ink bottles came pouring out. "Oh for fuck's sake!" she raged, making several first year students to look at her, bewildered. With a quick wave of her wand, she fixed up the mess, grabbed her bag and marched on. She was sure the suits of armor were laughing at her.

Well she couldn't blame them. She herself was on the edge of laughing at herself for falling into this ridiculous situation. She was more angry because she had asked him to kiss her, but she wasn't going to admit that! He was the one who got all mushy mushy and came close and she just couldn't resist the temptation. Horribly addictive temptation.

Her mind reflected over all the conversations they'd had in the last three weeks. She noticed how they were so different from the ones they used to have when they were kids. Obviously there was no "fuck-you-you're-my-enemy" remarks like before. It was just simple conversation. And he'd been...polite. For a Malfoy at least. He hadn't insulted her. He hadn't called her names. And today, she thought, he actually tried to converse with me, like two normal friends. Again, friends? How could they be after the bitter past? But then again, they'd have to move on, and now that she saw it, would it be bad, really, if they were friends?

The head's common room was empty, gratefully, and she walked into her room.  She wasn't sure she was ready to face him yet. She deposited her bag next to her bed and sat down on the edge. She needed to calm down first before she thought this through. And for that she needed a shower. She grabbed her towel and an extra pair of robes, and was just entering the bathroom when the door on the other end of the bathroom opened and Malfoy walked in.

They both stood facing each other, holding their respective doors ajar. Hermione thought it was a really bad idea for her to stay in another bathroom (smaller this time) with Malfoy, alone. She was sure he was thinking about the same. A faint blush stole her cheeks as she remembered him kissing her, and she saw his eyes darken slightly.

"Uh.." she said, searching for something to say.

"Will you go in, first?" he asked, his face unreadable again.

"Well, do you want to?" she asked back.

He raised his eyebrows. "You can just tell me if you want to have the shower first."

Oh, this boy! Hermione stormed in and threw the towel down on a toadstool next to the washbasin; turned towards the bathtub, bent down and released the taps. Steam filled the tiny bathroom as water gushed into the tub, lightly scented. Malfoy hadn't gone back.

"What do you want?" she scowled over at him.

He shrugged. "Thanks for letting the tap open. Now if you don't mind..." he stepped inside.

Hermione stared at him. "What-what you think I did this for you? You?" she said incredulously.

He deposited his towel on top of hers and shrugged again. The steam was thick and the mirrors were starting to fog up. and Hermione was inhaling deeply trying to calm herself down. The nerve of him!

"I'm not your slave!" she said loudly, her voice echoing around the walls.

"I never said you were." he said. His lack of emotion aggravated her even more, and he wasn't even looking at her!

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