Chapter 2

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Draco lay on his bed looking at the blank ceiling, thinking. So he was back, back to the place he thought he would never come back to. The place held too many painful memories. But where else could he go? The Manor was worse than here, it was absolute terror, living over there, especially without his parents. This was the better (if not the best) option.
Speaking of his parents... Draco felt numb every time he thought about them. About a week after that dreaded war, the Aurors had come to his house, to take away what was left with break apart the three people who were finally starting to be like a family. His mother's sobs echoed through his skull. The gaunt look in his father's eyes would never leave him. It would haunt him forever, he knew.

But one advantage of coming back here, was that Draco was now made Head Boy. He didn't necessarily feel happy about it, but it gave him something to think about..something to take his mind off things. Plus, Granger was head girl...
Draco felt uneasy whenever he thought about her. All he could see, when he looked at her, was his aunt Bellatrix torturing her endlessly. This didn't make Draco feel numb and senseless. It made him hurt. And it hurt like a bitch. His gut clenched every time he remembered her screams. The pain, the guilt that washed over him was almost unbearable. He regretted this more than he regretted anything in his entire life. Why, though? It shouldn't matter, because it's Granger, a mudb- no, muggle-born. He swore to himself never to use that foul word again.

Draco sighed, closing his eyes, and trying to sleep. He had been sleeping a lot lately, because being awake meant that he would start thinking about all the painful moments in his life. But even sleep wasn't peaceful. He had nightmares, every night. They went by in flashes, like an old reel camera playing again and again.

He was on the astronomy tower with his wand pointing at Dumbledore...

His hand shook as he was forced to cruciate the punished in front of the Dark Lord...

he watched horrified as Hermione let out scream after blood-curdling scream...

Finally giving up, he sat up on his bed. He wasn't going to sleep, but neither did he want his brain to be free. He wanted it occupied and just the thing lay on the table next to his bed. The list of prefects. Perhaps he should talk to Granger about duties now. He had just mentioned it earlier, because he didn't feel like he could stay in her presence for too long. Dammit, every time he looked at her, he sought to meet her eyes but they were so pure, that he found he couldn't. But he was only delaying his meeting with her. Better now than never.

Grabbing a quill and parchment off the bedside table, he left the green and silver room, and made his way across the common room, and stood before her door. He raised his hands to knock when he heard something...

Was that moaning? Panting? Draco's eyes widened as he stood there listening to her breathless sounds. Granger was panting and moaning...yes it was unmistakably her voice. What the fuck? Carefully, daring not to make a single noise, he bent down and peered through the key hole. Draco wasn't much of a spy, but he couldn't resist such mysterious sounds coming from the bookworms room.

What he saw made him nearly pass out, but in a good way. His heart accelerated as he squinted through the key hole. Granger was lying on her bed, completely naked, her legs wide apart. One of her hands were massaging her breasts, squeezing gently, the other was between her legs, rubbing against her clitoris. It was as though a monster had consumed Draco. His dick sprang up in attention and his breathing turned shallow. The creature in his chest roared like a savage animal as Granger let out a loud moan, her fingers rubbing faster.

Draco jumped back from the door, and practically ran into his room, locking himself in. He was breathless as he remembered the way she looked. How had he never noticed before how seriously hot Granger was? All he could associate her with till now was bushy hair and a lot of books covering up her front. Now he had a very inappropriate vision of her touching herself. And for Merlin's sake, why was that so turning on?

Over the years, Draco had had many girls in his bead. He wasn't a lover, he was a player. He wasn't sweet and slow...he was hard and fast. And...he was dominant. He wasn't interested in plain, vanilla sex. He was more into kinky fuckery. 

He sat down on his bed, biting his lip. He could faintly hear Granger still moaning in her room but his own heartbeat was louder than usual. Unbidden to his mind, came an image where Granger was tied to his bed, and he was over her, moving fast..In. Out. In. Out.

He shook his head, terrified of himself and his thoughts. What he needed now, was a cold shower. Great, he thought. First day back, and already a cold shower...


As the water streamed down his back, his tensed muscles started to relax. Dam you Granger, he thought. One thing he was sure of though, he should stay away from her. He really should. But he couldn't see how that would work. For one thing they practically lived a few feet away from each other, and being the Heads of the school, they had to work together. A lot. For another, even if he tried advancing on her, she'd probably hex him. She treated him like filth after all, and after what he'd done, he felt like he deserved it. What scared him most, was the fact that he knew he didn't want to stay away from her. After that little scene, how could he? The animal in his chest purred loudly every time he remembered her lying on the bed, legs spread apart.

Get a grip. Once he was done, he stepped out of the shower and quickly dried himself. He wore his school robes and pinned up his Head Boy badge, and walked out into the common room. Granger was sitting on one of the sofas, reading. She was in her robes, like him, her badge pinned to her chest. Her chest...He gulped. And yet again, another image flitted across his where he was fucking her senseless on the couch. Merlin help him, he groaned, which made her look up at him.

Either he had never payed attention to Granger's face before, or he had forgotten what her face looked like. Draco thought it was probably the first possibility, because he definitely didn't remember her looking so awfully gorgeous. So awfully tempting...


Author's note:

So that's the first two chapters and I hope it's been engaging! Keep reading, there's a lot more steamy things that I'm cooking up!

La Icepopsickle xD

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