Chapter 16

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Hermione woke, feeling warm and comfortable, and cuddled into her blanket. Wait...why was the blanket so...hard? Her eyes shot open to be greeted with the sight of silvery blonde hair.
Then it all came back to her. The party...the talk in the common room...then what they'd done after that...

Shit. Shit shit shit. Did I have sex with Draco Malfoy?

She looked up at his sleeping form. His breathing was even, and he looked more peaceful than she'd ever seen him. Eyes closed and not a single crease on his forehead. Their bodies (she realized were naked) were flushed together, their legs tangled between the sheets and her breasts pressing against his rock hard pecks.

In one swift motion, she sat herself up and yanked the blankets to cover herself properly. Draco groaned and squinted at her through his long, elegant lashes, and dam him for looking incredibly sexy with morning hair.
His mouth formed a perfect 'o' as he looked at her expression. He got up, and Hermione had a fantastic view of his magnificent chest, toned, tanned and sculpted.

For Godric's sake, somebody held me out of this!

"Morning, Granger." he said crisply, stretching.

Hermione looked at him as though he had lost his mind. "Morning?" she asked in a terrified whisper. "Why the fuck are you so calm? Do you realize what we've done?!"

Draco had the audacity to roll his eyes. "Calm down Granger. It isn't such a bad thing."

"Bad thing!" she fired up at once, dropping the blankets covering her naked body. His eyes snapped to her breasts, and there was unmistakable hunger in his eyes. "What the fuck are you saying? I'm such a stupid moron." she moaned, putting her face in her hands.

"Granger," he said, drawing his eyes away from the perfect curve of her breasts, and the pink bud of her nipples. "It's not like we've murdered some poor old bloke. We just had sex."

She glared at him through her fingers. "What do you understand? You probably have one girl or another in your bed every night, and I'm one of them, obviously! But thanks to you, I've lost my virginity! Do you think this is a joke? That this is some pathetic, sick game? We're supposed to be enemies!" she cried. "Enemies! What have I done?!"

Draco looked at the hysterical woman before him, her words hitting him hard in his gut. Had a girl in his bed every night, did he? Well he supposed it would have been true a few years ago, but now he had changed. Well he just didn't want anything to do with anyone anymore. And how in the world could he have a bought a girl to their dorm when Miss. Know It All was busy in her room, making herself cum? Very loudly, mind you.

"Enemies?" he said at last. "Enemies, Granger? I thought we'd come to a truce."

"Yes." she snapped. She was perfectly aware of this, and it angered her even more. "But that doesn't mean that we indulge ourselves in this..this.." she looked around for the right word but failed to grasp at anything.

"I remember having asked your permission specifically before I did anything." he said impatiently. She was riling him up, she could sense it. And she did not want to face an angry Draco Malfoy the very first thing in the morning. And his words hit very close to home because she very well remembered telling him to just 'get on with it'.

"I need you to get out of my room." she said, not meeting his eyes.

"What?" he asked incredulously. The bed creaked as he shifted his weight. "Are you kidding me now, Hermione?"

The use of her first name made her look up. Had she forgotten how mesmerizing his eyes were? Snap out of it, Hermione! "Don't call me that." she snapped, just because she had nothing else to say.

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