ミwhy you're imporant

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whether or not you believe in christ, any type of god, or nothing at all, we exist on this earth because of something.

we are here together coexisting for an unstated reason in which we do not know for sure exactly why.

and for some reason despite so many of you wanting to take your lives, you're here. you're alive.

despite you not wanting to be, you exist.

it wasn't because you were too week to kill yourselves, or that you're such a mistake that the previous suicide attempts didn't work, it's because you were meant to be here.

it wasn't some coincidence that you just showed up here.

it wasn't your choice to be born, and it wasn't your choice to survive.

but you are.

and whether or not you like this truth, you're existence has a purpose. it must have.

why else would you still be here, if you weren't needed here?

if whatever is happening in your life wasn't something you couldn't eventually overcome, then you would already be gone. but you're not.

you're not because you're strong.

you're not because for some reason you keep fighting despite always wanting to give up.

you're not, because you're important.

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