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I was sweating in my seat as I waited for my name to be called out.  It was tryouts at ALDC and we had to do 5 types of dance to see if we made it in. Contemporary, Tap, Acro, Ballet and hip hop. We began with contemporary, and we had already learnt the dance. There were over 100 people here to try out. I knew the dance off by heart, but I was still nervous I'd forget it. I saw people who forget it get disqualified immediately. I replayed the dance over and over in my head. "Aliyah T? Aliyah T?" I heard. My heart almost stopped beating for a bit. I got up from my seat and walked into the room.

The music began. I just felt the music as I danced to the music. I remembered all the steps. There were leg kicks and pirouettes involved, and I did them all perfectly, I believe.

Then they taught us a tap routine. It was pretty advanced, but I got the hang of it. Not many people could get the steps, but instead of sending the people home that didn't know it, they just told them to wait outside. Then my name was called. I was confident about this one. Tap is a strength of mine. Like contemporary, I felt the music and danced like I was on stage. The 'judges' nodded and I left the room.

After a few more dances, that I got right, only 30 people were left. And I was one of them. I breathed in and out. They called out a few numbers one by one, telling them that they had to go. "17, you can go. 48, goodbye. Um, 23, see ya later,"

We were down to 15, when they told us to improv. I'm not the best at improv, but I can manage. The 15 of us did improv.

"36, leave. 9, you can go...."

After a few more numbers called out, I was the only one left! I smiled one of the biggest smiles. "What's your name?" One of them asked.

"Aliyah," I said.

"Ok. You're in! Please get your mom and meet us at the front desk."

"Ok!!!" I said. I ran out to the 'mom room' and grabbed my mom. "I MADE IT IN!" I yelled.

Lots of moms gave me looks of disgust. Probably jealous their children didn't make it in.

My mom and I reached the front desk. It was pretty high, and I was short for my age, so it was hard to see over the desk. "Hi Aliyah! What's your name?" One of the ladies asked my mom.

"I'm Heather." My mom replied.

"I'm Ms. Abby. This studio is named after me. Abby Lee." We both nodded.

"My name's Gianna, I'm one of the choreographers here," Gianna said shaking our hands.

"We're lucky to have an amazing dancer like you Aliyah, try out for our studio." Ms. Abby said. I just smiled in response. "Tomorrow we'll have you start? Is that alright?" She asked. I glanced at my mom, and she nodded. Then they asked my mom to I'll put some paperwork. I slyly glanced at the paper and read that I may have to be on TV and star in Dance Moms. Am I going to be on TV?

Mom said I might have to start home school. I don't want to start home school! I was so excited to start high school, and be with my friends! I sighed as we sat in the car. Then I slowly drifted off to sleep in the car.

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