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I hop on the bus with my luggage. I drag myself around finding a seat. I find a seat next to Kenzie, behind Maddie and Kendall, and in front of My mom and Holly. I pull out my blanket, and Kenz does too, covering ourselves with it. It's cold, and we woke up early. We park at Starbucks and we decide to get something. "Liyah, Kenz? What do you girlies want?" The moms ask. I yawn and murmur "I'll have a tall peppermint hot chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie please,"
"I'll have a short, normal hot chocolate with a chocolate croissant please," She answers. We get our orders and take a sip of our drinks, waking us up a bit. We take selfies and talk about school and dance for a while. When Kenzie decides she's going to take a nap, since we have another hour until we get to the venue, I take out my laptop and start some school. I put on my headphones and begin, so I don't have to catch up when we get back home. I click on Social Studies and start the lesson.

After what seemed like only 20 minutes, we arrive at the theatre. "Remember the rules guys," Giana yells over the crowd outside, "Don't take selfies, or sign any autographs, just keep walking," We exit the bus with all our luggage, stepping onto the cute little red carpet rolling into the venue. There are lots of fans shouting and holding out pads for us to sign, cut off by red velvet ropes, but we do as we're told and keep walking. We enter our dressing room, and quickly change into our costumes. My costume is a cute, black lyrical dress which is really pretty.

 As I walk over to my suitcase, I feel someone's foot move in front of me, just in time to trip me over

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As I walk over to my suitcase, I feel someone's foot move in front of me, just in time to trip me over. I fall to my knees, and then clutch on to my ankle. "No way, this can't be happening right now," I whisper to myself in frustration. A few girls and moms run up to me and ask me if I'm ok, and if I can still perform. I tell them I'm fine, and that I'll still go on stage, but my ankle is in horrible pain. I look up and see Maddie smirk in the corner of my eye. "Of course it was her," I murmur, attempting to get up, but miserably failing. Melissa helps me up, and sits me on a chair, while my mom and Holly run to find some ice to put in the injury.

Abby approaches me, and I'm afraid of what she'll say. "What happened sweetie?" She says nicely. I'm immediately taken by surprise.
"Oh, Um..." I begin, trying to make up a lie after I see Maddie's deathly glare. "I tripped over my suitcase and twisted my ankle," I lie.
"You fell over your suitcase?" She repeats in question.
"Y-yeah," I stutter, hoping she'll believe me.
"Ok then," she replies walking away. The moms come back with ice and they place it on my ankle. My mom then begins to do my hair into a cute side bun. Once she's done with my hair, she does my make up. She does foundation, contour, black eye liner, dark purple and black eye shadow and fake eye lashes with a dark lip stick, as my dance is called shadow. It's a beautiful lyrical piece and I really didn't want to miss out, I really think I can win again, but I shouldn't get my hopes up, especially with a twisted ankle.

After almost an hour of anticipation, it's time for us to go on stage. Before I go backstage, Mackenzie pulls me aside and whispers "you have to tell someone,"

I process what she means as I walk away, and finally realise, I probably should, but I'm scared to. Nobody would believe me, Maddie's such an angel. I take a sip of water before I go on stage. Maddie wishes me luck, probably knowing I'll fail, with a hurt ankle. I have a turn sequence which I was nervous to do before I hurt myself, but now I'm even more nervous. I start getting extremely scared to perform, until they call my number. I get into my starting position and my heart is pounding. The music begins and it's slow and basic. Then the music gets louder, the dance gets more intense with tricks and turns. My ankle is hurting more and more as I continue. I start my turn sequence, only able to do 5 turns before I fall out of my turns and fall to the ground. I clutch my ankle, and tears form in my eyes. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen. The audience gasps in concert and someone backstage helps me off. They offer me water but I refuse it. They take me to the dressing room and my mom is already waiting there. They sit me on a seat and elevate my leg.

"If it hurt so bad, why did you do it?" Mom asks me.
"I really liked the dance," I reply. I contemplate telling her about Maddie, remembering what Kenzie said. I finally decide to tell her. "I'm going to tell you something, but you may not believe me. It was Maddie. Maddie tripped me over, so she would get a higher place than me," I say.
"Why would she do that?" Mom asks.
"Because she doesn't like the idea of me stealing her place. Ever since I won my first competition, she's been threatening me, that she'll spread rumour and tell lies if I kept winning, and getting better than her at things," I say, not realising I'm crying. "But you probably won't believe me, because Maddie's an angel and wouldn't do anything bad," I sarcastically state.
"No, I believe you, I never though you two liked each other very much, but you and Kenzie are such good friends. It'll be fine, I'll handle it," she says.
"Thanks. But how?"
"I'll speak to Melissa."
"You think she'll believe you?"
"Probably not, actually. Hm. We need proof,"
"Were the cameras rolling when it happened? Because we can use the footage?" I suggest.
"I guess," she says. "We'll figure it out later,"

Kenzie comes bursting through the door, asking if I'm ok. I tell her I'm fine, just upset.
"I told her," I tell Kenz.
"Good," She replies.
"You knew?" Mom asks Kenzie.
"Yeah, she was the first person I told, I was scared and didn't know what to do. She was the one who told me to tell someone," I say.
"Good girl, Kenz," she praises.
"What are our plans now?" Mack asks.
"Well, we need to tell Melissa, Gianna and Ms Abby, but we need some sort of proof,"

We all think for a while, wondering what sort of proof we have.

"Oh! I forgot! I took a video of Maddie tripping you over, for this purpose," She giggles. She shows us the video, and you can clearly see Maddie stuck her foot out in front of her, and then you see me fall.
"That's perfect," I say. "Now we just have to show it to them when we get back home," The girls all flood back into the dressing room and either change or touch up their costume and make up. Unfortunately, I can't do the group dance, which is really upsetting, but it won't really affect the dance that much. "Good luck girls," I yell out as they leave again, to do the group dance. They all hug me (besides Maddie) and then leave.

Soon after, the come back, to grab me for awards. I don't particularly want to go, because I know I'll be embarrassed from my outcome, I probably won't even place. But I go, to support the other girls. We get on the stage and music plays. Everyone's dancing, but I'm on the floor already. They go through all different kinds of awards, until they get to our preteen division. Like I had thought, I didn't place, and Maddie got first place. I congratulated her, even though she didn't deserve it. They all congratulated Maddie, except for Mackenzie, and instead gave sympathy to me.

Then it was time for the trio awards. We all wish good luck to the three girls, Nia, Kendall and Chloe and wait for the awards. Unfortunately, they only came second, but second is still really good, just won't make Ms Abby too happy. Group awards are then announced. We, as a studio end up coming first! I don't get up, because I wasn't part of the dance, but I congratulate them, and watch them go up and receive their award. They sit back down and wait until the awards are finished. We exit the stage going back to the dressing room and grabbing our luggage. I'm fine to walk on my ankle, it's not that bad, but i limp as I walk. We walk outside, once again, following the rules and not taking any photos, and get onto the bus. This weekend, instead of going straight home, we're staying at a hotel, which is going to be really fun.

We check into the hotel and find our rooms. We're on level 7, room 83. Our room consists of me, my mom, Mackenzie, and Melissa. Next door, room 85, is Nia, Chloe, Holly, and Christi. The room across from us, is room 84, with Kendall, Maddie, Gianna and Jill. And then of course, Ms Abby gets a hotel to herself, at room 82.

A/N Wow. Well, I uploaded again. I think the next chapter or the one after that, will be my last chapter. Thanks! 💗

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