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It's been a day since Jace was taken by Valentine, and his Parabati was already freaking out. 

Alec: Anything? 

Izzy: No. 

Alec: Grr. 

Everyone knew when Alec wanted to be alone, and when he needed someone but with him acting like this. He needed someone to calm him down, but it just wasn't possible since he would mostly just snap at anyone who came near him. His sister, Isabelle a.k.a Izzy, tried to reason with him, but...

Izzy: Alec you have to stop this! You keep lashing out at everyone, and it's not going to bring Jace back. 

Alec: Izzy, he's my Parabati and I don't even know where he is! 

Izzy: If you're ever going to find him then you need to control yourself, and get your life together. 

Alec stayed silent, leaving Izzy just waiting for an answer, until he said....

Alec: Just leave...

Izzy was about to say something, but she didn't want to upset him even more so she left. When she walked out of the room she seemed fine, but she wasn't she never got in a heated argument with her brother but now she has. The next day passed, and yet again Alec was still angry and missing Parabati until Clary went up to him. Clary tried to reason with him, but that didn't go so well for Alec blamed her for all of this. 

Alec: It's all because of you. 

Clary: I'm sorry...

Izzy: Alec, this isn't her fault. 

Alec: When are you going to realize that you don't belong here. You never have....

Izzy: Alec. 

It seemed that all hope was lost Alec was still stuck in limbo, but one person was not going to give up. 

Izzy: Are you sure you want to do this? 

Magnus: I know what I'm doing. 

Clary: Magnus, he lashes out at anyone who tries to make him feel better. 

Magnus: If I have to suffer through this then I will. 

Magnus had entered the room, where Alec was in right now, leaving Izzy and Clary behind. Magnus stood tall, and he was ready for the storm that Alec would bring when someone had faced him. When the two men were arguing Magnus didn't expect the storm to be a natural disaster. Then Alec went over the line...


Magnus: At this point....nothing. 

Magnus had walked away from his boyfriend, and decided to go home where he could let out his emotions. The first step he took inside of his home everything turned black, white, and gray literally. Warlock surroundings fit in with their emotions a lot of times, and Magnus brought the colors of devastation. He sat down on his couch, and Magnus had let his black mascara tears stroll down his cheeks to his knees, and sometimes the carpeted floor. He knew that relationships effort, but now....Magnus doesn't even know how to make things right. One things for sure is that he had too think of something fast because 

1. Alec can't live without his Parabati 

2. His life only runs on love. 

If a Warlock ever ran out of love then their immortality would be taken away forever. If a Warlock lived for 20 years, or something like that then for sure they would live but just like a regular mundane. Unlike Magnus, he's lived for 400 years so he would be nothing but dust or ash. 

Magnus: What can I do? 

Magnus went over to the balcony, and he saw a mundane couple walking by and he imagined that it was Magnus and Alec together. Side by side, hand to hand, heart to heart it was like nothing could hurt or touch them as long as they had each other. Unfortunately, Magnus got the short end of the stick in this relationship unless Alec was happy again and Magnus knew how he could get him back. Magnus had grabbed a pen and piece of paper and started to write a letter...a letter to Alec. 

Dear Alexander, 

I'm sorry for being the selfish person that I was I didn't meant to cause you so much more pain, and I knew I should've stayed at Brooklyn when you were getting angry. I don't know how I'm going to fix this, but trust me I will find a way somehow and if I don't...then....I'm sorry for not finding a way to make things right. Such a sorry excuse for a boyfriend like me, right? Whatever you do don't come looking for me for the dangers I'm about to embark might be dangerous for you, or for anyone else to even know about. For now, you need your space and I have to be away for awhile. If I don't come back then that means I'm dead either by Valentine's hand, or something even more drastic than being killed by someone who wants people like me dead. While I'm away just take the time to heal you need it the most out of all of us. 


I love you. 

    Yours truly, 

              Magnus Bane 

Magnus left the note on a small table, he looks at the door just waiting for his Alexander's footsteps to sound off through the door but it never came. Did he imagine it? Or was he really coming? If he was...then he's too late for Magnus had turned around, and gracefully jumped out of the window and left. 

He left to go find his love's Parabati. 

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