Day Four: Finding Jace

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A running Magnus and Jenna were now tired, and they didn't have enough energy to keep on going but they had to. Magnus promised that he would find Jace, and Jenna needed to find her mother.

Jenna: Where do you think that my mother could be?

Magnus: My guess it would be at the place where they keep most of the downworlders down at the ship for them to rot.

All of a sudden noises came out from the next hallway, and it was rustling metal and people screaming.

"Let me out."


"Someone please."

Jenna: My mom must be in there.

Magnus knew that Jenna and him would have to split up.

Magnus: You go one ahead, and save your mom. I need to find your friend.

Jenna: But that's the thing, he wants you dead just like Valentine.

Magnus: Yes, but he has a Parabati that needs him.

Jenna: I'm guessing that it was the guy that called you when we were running from Valentine and his men?

Magnus: Yes it's a long story, but I can't tell you it.

Jenna: I understand.

Magnus: Just be careful Jenna.

Jenna: You too, I don't know why but....Magnus I see you as a father....a father that I thought I could never have.

Magnus: I'm glad I am.

Magnus and Jenna gave each other hugs, and they both went in their separate ways. Magnus went all the way down, just like the Circle Member had told him, and managed to hear a piercing scream.


Magnus: Jace...

Magnus had followed the screams, and when he found the exact door that Jace was in. Magnus had prepared a spell, then kicked the door down, and started to attack Jace's tormentors.

Magnus: Etouffer ces hommes!

The men had fallen to their knees, and tried to gasp for air but couldn't and then quickly fell to the ground and died.

Jace: Magnus?

Magnus: I'm getting you out of here. Slipp ham ut!

The chains Jace was tied up to where gone, and Magnus had catched him before he could fall onto the metal ground with his weak legs. He laid Jace down gently, and quickly went to work with healing his wounds.

Magnus: Jace, Alec needs you and you need him. Why else are the both of you Parabati?

Jace: But Valentine is my-

Magnus: What does it matter if Valentine is your father? Think about the people you're going to be hurting, including everyone that you know and love. Your heart is telling you that you're not going to bring yourself to do kill someone that is innocent, and that hasn't done anything wrong.

Jace: But Jocelyn tried to kill me.

Magnus: If you want to stay away from Jocelyn, fine, but either way you are getting back to your family one way or another.

Valentine: But he is my son, and he will do as I say.

Magnus and Jace had turned around, and saw Valentine armed and with two other men.

Magnus: Valentine...

Valentine: I wish I could say it is an honor that the High Warlock of Brooklyn is here, but since your one of them I can't say anything to you.

Magnus: I could say the same thing for you.

Valentine: Jace, isn't it about time you finally kill your first Warlock?

Magnus had turned to Jace, and he had a sword that was given to him by Valentine's men.

Magnus: Jace, don't do it.

Valentine: Come on my boy, if we ever want to cleanse this world we need to get rid of these demon scum. Especially people like him...

Magnus: Jace, don't listen to him.

Valentine: Remember you're doing this to save humanity itself.

Magnus: Jace, stop!

With a confused Jace having to voices in his head one from his father, and one from a High Warlock. He didn't know what to do, but one thing that Magnus did tell him is that he was right he knew in his heart that he never wanted to kill any innocent downworlders. He has a Parabati that needs him now more than ever, and he has a family that loved and cared for him.

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