(Still) Day Four: The Choices You Make Decides Your Fate

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Jace had fear....the fear of what was going to become of him. It is true that he is Valentine's father, but he never wanted to believe that he had demon blood in him to make bring himself to kill his brother's lover but he had orders...

Valentine: Well, son, are you going to kill this demon? 

Magnus: Jace....

Jace had his eyes focused on his target, and had his sword aiming for Magnus' heart. 

Alec, Izzy, and Clary were rushing as fast as possible, and Alec knew he was close to Jace he could feel it more than anything he's ever felt. 

Alec: He's this way. 

Unfortunately there was a shriek coming from everyone's left. 

Clary: What was that? 

Izzy: I don't know. 

Then Jenna came running for her life, and accidentally bumped into Alec and fell. 

Jenna: Ow! 

Jenna had looked up, and saw Shadowhunters which she thought were Circle Members. 

Jenna: Get back, I have Warlock powers and I am not afraid to use them! 

Clary: Wait, we're not-

Then another shriek had entered all four corners of the room. 

Jenna: That voice....

Jenna had thought about for a moment, and realized it was-

Jenna: Magnus! 

Jenna had pushed Alec out of the way, and ran to where the screams have been heard with Alec, Izzy, and Clary running right behind her. 

Jace had spilled blood from the neck, and so much of it, including a body, had fell to the floor. 

Valentine: Well done Jonathon, you really do prove yourself. 

Jace looked down at the person he slayed, and mouthed an apology. A kick had broken the door, and it was Jenna and the rest of Jace's family. 

Jenna/Alec: Magnus! 

Jenna and Alec had rushed to Magnus' side, and Alec tried to get his head on his shoulder. While Jenna had was holding Magnus' hand very tightly trying to get a pulse.  

Jenna: You're going to be okay, you're going to be okay, just hold on please. 

Alec was pissed at what his Parabati had done. 

Alec: What have you've done? 

Jace: I didn't have a choice. 

Clary: Jace, what have I told you you're not evil! 

Realizing what he has done, Jace had looked at Magnus dying body with a comforting and teary Jenna and fearful Alec. 

Jenna: Magnus...please give me a sign that you're alive! 

Magnus didn't respond, and he wasn't moving an inch Jenna was hoping she wasn't too late, and Alec....he was about to lash out Jace, but he remembered Magnus needs him and he isn't responding. 

Alec: Come back, please, come back. 

Valentine: I think it's about time we get rid of these traitors, shall we Jonathon? 

Jace: My name isn't Jonathon....

Jace had turned to face Valentine with an angry look on his face. 

Jace: It's Jace! 

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