(Still) Day Four: Battle of the Shadowhunters

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Everyone was lashing out at each other with Clary and Jace taking out Valentine, Izzy and Alec attacking Valentine's men, and Jenna using her fighting skills that she was taught by her mom but still staying near Magnus' body. On the outside it looked like Magnus was still losing blood just not that much, but on the inside he was feeling a large pour of calcifying feelings. In the air, he felt...a voice...

Lilith: Well, well, well if it isn't Magnus Bane on the verge of dying. 

Magnus couldn't speak that much his neck was still slit from Jaces' sword, and he didn't want to risk his injury. 

Lilith: Won't talk I see. I guess you really are in pain I think I should end you right-

Magnus: No....

Lilith: You only have so much to live Magnus you better hurry up. Otherwise, a certain someone gets to see you. 

Magnus: Don't...

Lilith: Very well, but you should know he doesn't like to be kept waiting. 

Lilith had disappeared, and Magnus was wide awake from his knock out. Jenna was done fighting, and turned to see Magnus alive. 

Jenna: Magnus! 

Jenna had rushed to his side, and gave him a tight hug. 

Jenna: Thank god, you're okay! 

Magnus: Jenna...

Jenna: Don't speak, save your energy. 

Alec saw from a distance that his lover was alive, but he was barely breathing. He went to his side, and faced Magnus. 

Magnus: Alexander...

Alec: Magnus...

They looked at each other, and was in a moment of silence but with a pinch pure bliss was mixed to what both men were feeling right now. 

Alec: I'm going to get you out of here, I promise. 

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