Chapter 3

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Dick's POV

No one seemed to know to why Jason hasn't been seen in months along with the Red Hood not being active even though Bizarro and Artemis have been spotted and I'll admit I was worried, I mean if something happened to him, I don't know what I'd do.

As I look down at the city from Wayne tower my mind started to wander back to the last time I saw Jason was when I helped him out with a case at a circus which I couldn't get over how adorable Jason looked stumbling over his words, blushing, just to ask me for my help.

I then had this feeling in my chest as I thought about Jason which has happening more and more and I just couldn't figure out why. So I decided that I really wanted to talk to someone so I leapt off the building, feeling that rush of adrenaline from falling before pulling out my grapple and started swinging in the direction of the Clock tower.

Once I got there, I went in through the opening hatch in the roof and dropped in, Barbra didn't even look away from the monitors to ask, "So what do you need, Boy Wonder?"

"How did you know it was me?" I replied with a charming smile.

"Because I figured you'd come here eventually to talk about what's been bothering you" she answered then asked again "So what's bothering you?"

I didn't really know what to say but Babs seemed to know from my expression, "You're worried about Jason, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I did you know?"

"Well your not the only one whose worried about him, we all are" she said, placing her hand on my arm.

"I know that, its just I feel like I might be the reason he disappeared" I confessed, seeing Barbra's eyes widened in surprise.

"Why? Did something happen between you two" she asked.

" and Jason kind of...slept together" I admitted, looking anywhere but Barbra as she shouted "What! What do you mean you slept together, I mean when and how did that happen?"

"Well after I help Jason with a case we went back to my place and we just started talking, having a beer when I made a joke that actually made Jason laugh and he had this smile that reminded me when he Robin so I leaned and kissed him which was when things kind escalated" I blushed but smiled at the memory till I noticed Babs studying me with her brow raised and her arms crossed.

"I also have this weird feeling like I should be with Jason for some reason" I added.

Babs sighed, rubbing her temple, clearing getting more fturstated with me, "Okay Dick, I didn't need to know that but to help you with your other question. Did Jason seem different to you that night?"

"No, he was the same old Jason" I reply till I remembered, "Wait, now that I think about it Jason's scent seemed different somehow."

"Different in what way?" Barbra asked while I shrugged "I don't know, he just smelled really nice."

"Well when you put it like that, I think Jason might have been in heat or pre heat."

I shook my head in disbelief "No, Jason, couldn't have been, I mean I would have smelled it and I would have been affected by it."

"Not if Jason was in pre heat and you said that it was different."

"Where you going with this, Babs" I asked, picking up that there was something she wasn't telling me.

"Dick, I think that Jason might be pregnant."

"No, Jason can't be, he can't" I said, shaking my head in denile since their's no way that Jason could be pregnant.

"Dick, it's very possible that Jason could conceive and it would also explain that feeling you had and why he decided to disappear" Barbra reasoned while I was trying not to have a panic attack.

Barbra must have picked up on my distress and said, "Dick, breathe, take deep breathes, okay" she comforted, rubbing my arm soothingly and whispered "Don't worry Dick, everything will be alright."

Once I got my breathing in check I look up Barbra, who gave me assuring smile and asked "Are you okay now?"

I nodded "Yeah, I'm good but I think I'm going to head back to my place to think about everything."

"That sounds like a good idea" Barbra nodded in agreement "But are you sure your alright to be swing around the city, I mean your not going to be falling off rooftops, are you."

"No Babs, I'm going to be okay" I said with a laugh, "Thanks again."

She smiled "No problem, Boy Wonder" as I pulled out my grapple and shot my line.

As I swung through the city, a million thoughts ran through my head till I made it back to my apartment and headed straight to my bedroom where I threw myself on the bed not even bothering to take off my costume when my com buzzed to life with a voice I didn't recognize at first asking, "Nightwing, are you there?"

I then realized it was Artemis so I quickly replied "Yes, I'm here is Jason alright?"

"He's fine" she sounded unsure which wasn't helping reassure to me "That's why I'm contacting you in the first place, Jason may hate for this but you need to know."

"What?" I ask, getting myself ready for what Artemis was going about to say, I heard her take in a deep breathe before saying, "Dick, Jason's pregnant."

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