6. Plate

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"You have dimples." Louis noted.

Harry wiped the smile off his face. "Yeah."

"That's cool.." The criminal looked away. "I guess."

"Um. Thank you?"

Harry went back to the stove, turning off the flames. He grabbed 2 plates and laid them on the counter.

"Is it done?" Louis lifted his head.

"I think so.." Harry mumbled, examining the chicken.

"Good.. cause I'm starving."

Harry lifted the pan from the stove, scooting the chicken onto each plate.

He picked up one of the plates, handing it to Louis. "Here."

"Thanks.." Louis put his gun on the counter next to him, grabbing the plate from Harry's hands.

Harry looked over at the gun laying on the table.

Louis noticed him staring at it.

"Don't even think about it, sweetheart."

"What?" Harry shook his head. "I wasn't even-"

"Yeah.." Louis scoffed. "Sure you weren't."

"I wasn't-"

"Whatever." Louis grabbed a fork, looking down at the plate. "You better not have poisoned this."

"You watched me like a hawk the whole time.." Harry shook his head. "How would I have been able to?"

"I don't know.." Louis muttered. "You could have superpowers for all I know."

"If I had superpowers, don't you think I would have been able to get out of this situation already?"

"I guess." Louis picked off a piece and put it in his mouth.

Harry watched as he chewed it.

"How is it?"

"It's.." Louis smirked. "It's really fooking good."

"Glad you like it." Harry looked down at his own plate.

"Well." Louis tilted his head. "Eat."

"Am I allowed to use a fork?" Harry asked, almost in a sarcastic manner.

"Hmm.." Louis pondered. "I suppose.. but like I said, no funny business."

Harry nodded, grabbing a fork from the counter.

He hesitated.

"What are you waiting for?" Louis asked.

"Um." Harry looked over at the barstool next to Louis "Can I sit next to you?"

"Um.. I suppose." Louis rolled his eyes. "But like I said, no funny-"

"Business.." Harry chimed in. "I understand."

Harry picked up his plate before walking over to the barstool next to Louis.

"Thank you." Harry sat down.

"Why are you thanking me?" Louis raised a brow.

"For letting me sit here." Harry took a bite. "And for letting me cook us dinner."

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." Louis grumbled. "I'm still a very dangerous criminal.. Don't you forget that."

The young man nodded once again, raising the fork to his mouth.

"Remember how you said you thought I had superpowers?" Harry began.

"Considering how that was like 2 seconds ago.." Louis scoffed. "Yeah."

"What superpower would you want?"

Louis raised his brow, looking over at him. "Excuse me?"

"If you could have any superpower." Harry gave a slight smile. "What would it be?"

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Don't try and befriend me.." The criminal looked away. "It's not gonna work."

Harry paused. "I was just trying to make conversation-"

"Well it's not gonna work so you can just stop trying." Louis said, rudely. "Just stop talking for once and eat your fucking food."

"I-I'm sorry." Harry looked down at his plate, finishing his food in silence.

Louis noticed the sad look on Harry's face.

Despite the fact that Louis was a ruthless criminal, for some reason he had no desire to see this young man sad.

"I would turn back time.." Louis mumbled.

"Huh?" Harry looked up.

"If I could have one super power.." Louis paused. "I would have the power to go back in time and change whatever I wanted."

Harry nodded his head. "What would you change?"

He hesitated. "A lot of things.."

Suddenly the sound of loud knocking came from the front door.

"Police! Open up!"

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