7. Chance

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"Shit!" Louis jumped up from his seat.

The pounding on the door continued as Louis paced around the kitchen, clutching the gun above his head.

"Shit! Shit!"

Harry didn't move from his seat. He just watched as the criminal paced back and fourth in a panic.

"Police! Open up!" The shouting continued from the front door.

"Fuck!" Louis yelled.

He glared over at Harry before suddenly yanking him out of his seat, causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Come here!"

The criminal shoved Harry against the wall, glaring at him with burning intensity.

"Now you listen here and you listen good." Louis poked his chest. "You're going to answer that door.. You're going to act like none of this ever happened. I will have my gun pointed straight at your back the entire time so don't even think about trying anything!"

Harry nodded. "O-Okay. I-"

"You better hope you're able to get rid of them because if they come busting through that door.." Louis glared. "You're going to be the first one I take out. I will NOT go back to prison.. Understand!?"

"Y-Yes.." Harry continued to nod his head. "I promise! I-I'll get rid of them."

"Open up!" The pounding intensified.

"Good!" Louis stomped over to the counter, grabbing a knife.

Harry's eyes widened as he approached him with it.

"What are you-"

"You can't answer the door with your hands taped."

Louis grabbed Harry's wrists, cutting the tape from them.

"Now go!" Louis pulled him by his shirt, shoving him toward the front door. "And wipe your tears for God-sakes, you look like a blubbering idiot."

Harry wiped his eyes, walking closer to the front door.

Louis positioned himself behind the couch, pointing his gun directly at Harry's back.

Harry turned his body, looking nervously at the gun being pointed at him.

"Showtime, sweetheart." Louis nodded. "Don't screw this up."

Harry gulped, turning his body toward the front door once again.

He slowly opened it, letting out a large exhale.

"H-Hello officers." Harry gave a fake smile.

There stood 2 police officers with their hands on their gun holsters.

"Finally." One of them rolled their eyes, releasing his hand from his gun. "A few more seconds and we would have had to bust through the door!"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't come to the door sooner, I uh.." Harry looked around, struggling to find the right words to say. "I was just cooking some dinner. I just get so caught up in my cooking sometimes."

"Right.." One of the officers raised a brow. "Are you the owner of this house?"

"Yes, Sir." Harry nodded. "I am."

"We'd just like to ask you a couple questions about some of the events that took place in this area tonight." One of them began. "We had an escaped convict by the name of Louis Tomlinson run by this area not too long ago.. Did you happen to see anything?"

Louis angrily shook his head from behind the couch.

Now Harry knew his name.

"Um." Harry tried his best to act causal.  "No. I uh- I haven't seen anything."

"Well.. If you do happen to see anything, just give us a call at the station." The officer handed him a card. "He is considered to be very dangerous, so make sure to keep your doors locked."

"O-Okay.." Harry clutched the door. "I will."

"Alright then.." One of the officers nodded. "You have a good night, now."

"You too.."

Harry slowly closed the door, watching the officers walk off into the distance.

He waited nervously by the door as Louis arose from behind the couch.

"God fucking-" Louis shouted, walking over to where Harry stood.

Harry flinched as he watched him approach angrily.

"They know my name!" Louis yelled out loud. "Now YOU know my name!"

"I-" Harry didn't know what to say. "I- I don't even remember what they said-"

Louis grabbed Harry by his shirt, throwing him onto the couch.

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