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Harry came out of the shower, rubbing his long curly hair with a towel. He looked over to see Louis sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands.

"Louis?" Harry choked out. "I'm really sorry.. I didn't kno-"

"Do you know how I got that scar?"

Harry shrugged. "Um.. No."

"It was my first day in prison.. I was so scared and everyone there could sense that." Louis sighed. "You can't show fear in places like that.. They'll take advantage of that the first chance they get."

Harry walked closer to him, listening to him speak.

"They all ganged up on me.. I was beaten senseless." He gulped. "And stabbed multiple times."

Harry's eyes widened. "Wow."

"Everyone thought I was gonna die.. It was kind of a miracle I survived." Louis looked up. "Not that anyone cared, of course."

"I'm so sorry.." Harry shook his head. "I can't even begin to imagine the horrible things you must have went through in that place."

"It doesn't matter.." Louis paused. "I deserve everything that I get. I'm nothing but a murderer."

"You didn't mean to kill him." Harry added. "It was an accident."

"Every second of every day is spent me reliving that moment.. Wishing with my entire heart that I could somehow go back and handle the situation differently."

Harry looked down. He didn't know what to say.

Louis sighed once again. "Maybe I should just.." He paused, pulling out his gun and setting it on his lap. "End it."

Harry's heart dropped.

"No." Harry tossed the towel to the side. "You shouldn't!"

"Why not?" Louis scoffed. "I have nothing to live for.. I think we've both come to the conclusion that I don't have the guts to kill you."

Harry bit his lip.

"And the truth is.." Louis threw his hands to his lap. "I don't want to hurt you.. I never did. From the moment I saw you, I knew that I could never bring myself to hurt you.. no matter how many times I told myself that I could."

"Louis.. I-" Harry tried to reach out to him.

"So you'll go on.." Louis interrupted. "You'll tell the cops everything that happened.. They'll eventually catch me and I'll rot in jail for eternity."

Harry watched as Louis gave a desperate chuckle before putting the gun to his own head.

"I refuse to go back, Harry.." He swallowed his tears. "I can't go back."

"Whoa! Whoa!" Harry held his hands out. "Don't do anything stupid, alright! You have a lot to live for!"

"Like what!" Louis laughed. "Name one reason I shouldn't kill myself?"

Harry walked over to where he was sat, he watched the tears flow down the criminals face as he sat beside him on the bed.

"Well.." Harry began. "There's something to be said about someone who keeps moving forward. Life is a struggle, yes.. but the longer you live it the stronger you become. You live and you learn through your mistakes."

Louis sniffled, listening to every word.

"Your life may look hopeless right now.. but that doesn't mean things won't look up eventually." Harry grabbed his shoulder. "You've got to keep fighting. You can't give up."

Louis looked over at Harry's hand laid upon his shoulder. His sobbing intensified as he dropped the gun to his lap.

"C-Can I.." Louis whimpered. "Can I have a hug?"

Harry gave a slight smile. "Yes. You can."

Harry leaned in, giving Louis a tight hug. The criminal started to cry uncontrollably into Harry's chest.

"I'm so scared." Louis choked out.

"I know.." Harry caressed his hair, pulling him closer.

"I'm so sorry I put you through this.. you never deserved any of this. You're a good person. I-I'm a monster." Louis said through his tears. "I-I'm so sorry, Harry."

"It's ok." Harry nodded. "I forgive you."

Louis lifted his face from his chest, looking into the curly-headed boy's green eyes.

"Y-You do?"

"Yes." Harry wiped the boys tears. "I always knew there was good in you. I forgive you."

Louis couldn't believe it. No one had ever forgiven him before.

Louis smiled. "Thank you."

Harry smiled back, leaning closer to Louis' face.

Louis titled his head, trailing down the boy's supple pink lips. "Can I kiss you, again?"

Harry nodded, leaning in until their lips met once again in pure bliss.

The kissing turned more passionate as they sprawled out across the bed.

Louis crawled on top of Harry, pinning him down.

Harry moaned into Louis' kisses. "Oh, Lou-"

Suddenly the door to the motel room busted open. Several cops filled the room, pointing their guns at the boys laid upon the bed.

"Drop the gun!" They screamed at Louis. "Let the boy go!"

Louis looked up to see several guns being pointed at him.

"Wait!" Harry yelled. "It's not what you think! He isn't-"

The sound of a sudden gunshot filled the room, causing Harry's heart to drop when he looked over to see the criminal on top of him shot in the abdomen.

"No!" Harry screamed. "What did you do! He wasn't hurting me!"

Harry held Louis in his arms, watching the blood ooze from his abdomen.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Louis coughed. "I'm so sorry."

The cops approached closer, kicking the gun away from Louis.

"All clear." One of them said.

Harry started to cry when he felt the cops pull him away from Louis' motionless body.

"Let me go!" Harry shouted.

"It's ok son." They continued to drag Harry out the room. "You're safe now."

"Where are you taking me!" Harry struggled to escape the cops grasp.

"We're gonna take you in for some questioning." He replied. "You'll be free to go after that."

Harry watched as the remaining cops examined Louis' unconscious body as they pulled him away and out of sight.

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