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"Mommy, can we get cookies?" Maddie asked, as she pointed at the assortment of cookies on the grocery store shelves.

I shook my head, "No baby girl, I've already told you this."

She stomped her foot, crossing her arms across her chest and giving me a glare, "Yes!"

"I said no. You do not need them, now stop acting like this right now."

"No! I want cookies!" She swiftly grabbed the case of cookies and took off down the aisle running.

"Madalyn!" I called after her, causing a few woman to look this way.

I pushed the cart quickly down the rest of the aisle and into the next; but no sign of her. I kept doing the same routine, going into the next aisle, calling her name, but nothing. My motherly instincts soon caved in and I was beginning to panic; until I saw her standing in front of a man who was bent down level to her so I couldn't see his face.

"Madalyn!" I called leaving my cart in the middle of the aisle and jogging off towards her, "You don't run off like that, you scared me half to death!" I cooed, as I picked her up and kissed the side of her face. I was no longer worried about the cookies, or her tantrum; I was just glad she wasn't stolen or something.

"I was talking to this man mommy."

"Yeah, but what has mommy always told you?" I gave her a stern look.

"Don't talk to stwangers."

"Exactly," I kissed her temple.

"Well I wouldn't say I'm a stranger," The mystery man spoke up, followed by a small laugh; causing me to turn my direction to him.

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