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"How could you tell him? How!!" I yelled into the phone.

"I didn't tell him Faith, Ryan did. I told him not to, hell I yelled at him myself, I am sorry!"

I sighed, "I swear to god I am going to shoot Ryan when I see him, this was not up to him, to tell Justin."

"Well he does have a right to know who his child is Faith, everyone has told you this time and time again. Ryan just got sick of it and told his friend, Justin is his best friend rememeber that."

"Yes Alexa, I know. But its my choice, its my daughter."

"I know, I know.."

"Just, get over here before I go insane!"

"Okay, Im on my way!"

I hung up the phone and set it down on the counter, what was I going to do?

"I don't know why you are freaking out about this?" Racheal began, "You never knew how to tell him and look Ryan made your job a little easier for you!"

"I never knew how to tell him because I did not want to tell him, why do you guys not see that?"

"Why didn't you want to tell him again?" Racheal questioned.

"Yeah, you never really told me why either." Alexa shrugged.

"Because, its not like he would of ever been there for her anyway."

"Why do you think that?"

"Yeah, Justins always there for Ryan, and the rest of his family,"

"Alexa, I don't care about Ryan or his family, so lay off of the whole 'Ryan and Justin are bffs' thing" I rolled my eyes.

"Well excuse me, I thought we were here to help you not get bitched at."

I sighed placing my forehead into my palms, "Im sorry guys, I just feel I don't know,"



"Wow guys, thanks for that."

They both laughed.

"We are only trying to help, it may not seem like it but we are." Racheal placed her hand on my back, rubbing it softly as she spoke, "I understand why you would think Justin would never be there for her, but you don't know for a fact that it is true. And I know how bad Maddie wants a dad, or asks about who her daddy is constantly. Do you ever think that maybe it is time to give in? Or atleast talk to Justin about it and if he comes off like a total douche then say forget you and continue to never let him see her,"

"Yeah, I mean you should at least try first."

"But what if he hurts her?"

"Then we kill him," Alexa spoke with a wide smile plastered on her face.

We all laughed in sync.

They both made good points. I needed to think about Maddies feelings, and ignore my worries and ignore the fact that Justin is a superstar and could just leave for a tour or a job at any moment. I needed to take that risk for my daughter, she needed her dad. I needed to be fair to her for once, and not selfish.

I stood from the seat and grabbed my phone.

"Are you going to call him?" Alexa spoke excitedly.

"Yes," I rolled my eyes and began walking out of the room , placing the phone to my ear as it began to ring.

"Justin? Hey.. its Faith. I think we should meet up and talk."

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