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"RO!" Joey yelled out

I groaned and stuffed my face in my pillow.

"Rosie!" He yelled again

I ignored him

"Hey rosie baby" he run into my room

"Hmm?" I hummed

"Morning" he said. I nodded

"There's milk and cereal on the table" he said. I nodded again

"Well you're quite the talker" he said.

I gave a thumbs up. "Why are you so quiet?" He asked as he sat on the edge of my bed. "Are you always this quiet because if you are, you are one boring roommate"

"Nah. I just don't like talking to you" I finally said




"Whaaaaat". Its not the best living with a guy. He doesn't seem to have manners. Yes, im the one ignoring him but he is the one that interrupted my dream. But let me tell you this. All he does is boss people around. Sure it is his apartment but now that im here, its our apartment

"Im going out. Don't go through my stuff okay?" He warned as he started to get up

"Why? Do you have like a gun in there or something"

"More like a dead body" he shrugged

I felt an uncomfortable feeling grow in my stomach

"Get me out of this place-

"im kidding Rosie  "  he softly chuckled

"Its rose" I corrected him

"But you're nickname is ro" he said

"Rose is my nickname. Rosanna is my full name" I mumbled trying to sleep again

"Well I don't care. Im going to call you ro or Rosie from now on" he winked then left my room.

"Enjoy your date" I chirped

"Oh i will- wait hang on. Who do you know i was going out of a date" he asked

"I have my ways......jokes. I just know telling by what you're wearing

"I didn't think your eyes have opened" he shrugged "Anyways, don't be too jealous"

"Trust me. Im not" I chuckled . Finally he's gone. Peace and quiet-

"Rosie! Call the cops!" I heard him scream. That's when I literally jumped in mid air off my bed in fright

"Get the gun from your room!" I yelled

"Does anybody know where the bread is. I ran out" the person I thought was an intruder said. That's when I face palmed

"No need to call the cops" I sighed sitting down on my bed

"Who's this then?" I heard him at my door once again whilst dragging Connie here by the back as her face was full her terror at first, with a loaf of bread in her arms. Typical. But once she looked at him, she smirked at me

"MY BEST FRIEND" I yelled out

"MY BEST FRIEND" she answered, waddling towards me. Sometimes I feel as though she is a duck. She waddles, loves bread and is really loud. Shes annoying but shes my best friend. I love my best friend..........that loser

"Looks like someone is actually talking" joey rolled his eyes. "Excuse me but how did you get in here?" He asked Connie

"Well. Im attracted to loafs. I found love when I searched through your pantry"

"You're friend is weird" joey stated as he pointed to Connie

"Only the best people are" I said, pulling Connie into a hug. She didn't hug back. She was too busy hugging her loaf of bread

"My date is going to kill me if im this late. I'll be back. " He said before I coups say anything. I wasn't planning on to anyway

"You're new roomie is HIM?!" Connie squeaked. "he's actually hot"

"But has a cold soul" I sighed. "I think I like his friend better" I stated.

(A/n ooh)

"But do you like him? As in do you like your roommate?"

It took me less than a millisecond to reply. "No"

End of chapter

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