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Joey's pov

"How do I look?"I asked, swivelling myself around so I was facing Rosie

"you look with your eyes" she snorted, but didn't take her eyes off her phone. I frowned. is her phone getting more of her attention then I am? I think the heck not..

I smirked then snatched her phone out of her hands and threw it somewhere as a whine escaped her mouth. this is really important. I just really need her advice. I know rosie is not that type of girl that would dump their boyfriend for lacking fashion but tomorrow, I have to meet my soon to be step aunt and cousin. my mum already threatened me that if I look like a half clown half hobo, she will not let me stay in this apartment with Rosie. Rosie is a girl with some fashion. so its likely that whatever she thinks looks good on me my mum would think the same thing.

Rosie frowned and crossed her arms, curled up in my desk chair. 

 "listen to me. seriously" I softy said, bringing her chin up so we locked eyes. smiling with closed lips, I placed m lips on hers for a second then pulled back. "look, i'm sorry for throwing your phone away. I promise I'll get it fixed as soon as possible. but right now, I really need your advice on what to wear" I pleaded with words sounding apologetic 

she scanned my outfit then adjusted her seating position. "wear a jean jacket and don't jell your hair" she demanded. "you look good with your natural and fluffy hair" she tried not to smile but then failed after saying fluffy. I love it when she does that. she's just so cute

"thanks" I grinned then walked towards my closet, in the search for a denim jacket. now I wonder how I got so lucky. i've heard some people say that its her that got so lucky but I know I'm way more lucky. having her is like winning a trip to Hawaii! 

she's the perfect girlfriend. she's not clingy but she still gets adorably jealous when a girl looks at me, she's not too much of a whiner, she actually listens to me and she's full of surprises. I literally found out yesterday that she could play the freakin piano. how come I only found out then?! 

I smiled to myself after finding a denim jacket, then put it on. I now start to realise that i've been such a douche before she walked into my life. having relationships with girls I barely knew, getting drunk every night and not caring about anyone or my surroundings. thats the main reason why I moved out. my little sister and I would fight occasionally about my 'anger issues' and not doing anything around the house. thats when my mum made an decision to buying me and apartment with Charles, Aaron and Chad. I was suppose to get a job sooner but failed and now Rosie lives with me since I couldn't pay all the bills myself and neither could she. but I'm so grateful that all that happened. I don't know where I would be without her. she's the first girl i've dated that I actually had strong feelings for. and the best part is that she has my first kiss on hers. 

she's just so-

"perfect" she commented on my outfit as I watched her smile through the mirror 

that smile..

"perfect indeed"

end of chapter

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