bonus chapter

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five years later

Joey's pov

"No more than five minutes" the police officer strictly demanded and I nodded and watched him walk away. its been 5 years since I saw my biological dad face to face. that night was the most horrifying night I've ever experienced. i found out recently that my dad was in jail for beating up a police officer and I knew that I had no choice but to see him someday.

I needed answers.

I walked over to the chair where the police officer instructed and sat down, letting out a long breath whilst staring at my faded reflection in the glass. I still can't believe I'm doing this. it was Rosie's encouragement that brought me here when I was too much of a chicken to come here myself. she's just so convincing. she would ignore my stalling. but I still find it so cute when she's demanding.

seconds later, my dad finally showed up and sat down directly in front of me with one police officer behind him. it was like staring into my own reflection when I saw him. it scared me how much we look alike.

I picked on the phone which was attached to the wall and tried not to chicken out. he imitated me and picked up the phone on the other side

"hey kiddo" he greeted through the phone then took in my appearance. he scanned my features then looked up to me and smirked. "I might have to stop calling you that. you're an adult now, I see" he snickered

"I just came here for you to explain" I said, ignoring him

"you've grown" he commented as I noticed that he was stalling

"well no dip Sherlock" I rolled my eyes then looked back at him to see that his eyebrows were furrowed as he held a confused expression on his face.


"sorry. mum doesn't like me swearing" I explained and looked down at my fingers.

"you and me both, son" he scoffed. "so what do you want me to explain?" he asked

"why you left" I answered looking him directly in the eye. "I cant just assume stuff anymore. I need a full explanation explained truthfully"

he sighed then shrugged. "we first need some privacy" he muttered then turned to face the police man who stood behind him who looked like he was petrified . "shoo" he seethed as the police went sprinting off. I guess some people are scared of him now since he did beat up a police man.

he turned back to me and chuckled. "works every time" he flashed a smile. i'm surprised I haven't ran away yet. i'm pathetic. scared of my own father!

"I left because of the trouble I caused" he said and I brought the phone closer to my ear. "the loud fights, the bruises and cries were all because of me. I realised that you guys were better off without me once I came home from my business trip on that Christmas morning..." he sighed

"but you never came back after your business trip. the last I saw of you was when you left for your trip." I said in confusion.

"I came back, joey. I just wasn't seen by you and your siblings." he said. " I stood out the window seeing all your smiles and laughter as you all opened your Christmas presents. Jen deserves that kind of family. she doesn't deserve to use all her strength to fight with me" he explained as I started to understand.

"your mother and I divorced a few days after Christmas and I left to live in Arizona. by myself" he mumbled then looked away. "look at all of you now"

"look at you especially" he added. "you've become a better person. successful with a job and your love life"

I smiled at the ground thinking of Rosie again and how she's changed me for the better. where would I be without her?

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