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I decided to walk to the café since I needed some air and also because the cafe is literally like two blocks away. Joey did say to me that I could take his car whenever I'd like, but the problem is that he doesn't know that I don't have my licence. Yep. You heard right. I don't have my driver's licence. A part of me wants to get it already so I can drive anywhere I want. But the other part of me is saying, 'stuff it. I do nothing but sit on my bed watching Netflix'

"Hello! You must be Rose Marlin" a tall lady greeted me with a warm smile. i assume this was May's mother judging by done similar features they shared. Boy they have good genes in their family. I mentally pouted to myself of how jealous I was. "Im May's mum, Claire" she introduced herself

"Nice to meet you Mrs Davies" I smiled, remembering their last name. I didn't want to be rude a call her by her first name already. My parents taught me that its a rude thing to do for your first impression on someone older than you

"Please. Call me Claire. Mrs Davies makes me sound old" she playfully winked. I guess its not so rude after all


The interview went pretty well. They asked me questions like if I had any past experiences for waitressing which I haven't but they gave me the job anyway. I really don't trust myself with carried valuable things around, i grantee that I will drop and break something on my first day on the job.

as I twisted the handle of the door and opened it slightly, I heard Joey talking to my parents which seemed like a serious conversation. I did hear my name pop up into their conversation so I decided to eavesdrop because why not?

"You think she likes me?" I heard joey ask. crap

"Isn't it obvious?" My mum responded. Even more crap

"So, what about you? What do you think about my daughter?" My dad asked. I leaned my ear closer to the door. Now im questioning why they're even talking about this stuff. Don't they think he's my butler?

There was a silence for a few seconds. "Isn't it obvious?" joey spoke again. "I think im falling in love with her" he said which made my eyes widen. He couldn't mean that. Could he? I felt that my heart had increased its speed. That was definitely not on the script. Sure we have kissed like twice but I didn't think they really meant anything to him. He's probably kissed every girl in this town so what makes me different. He could be lying to my parents. Im just going to stick with that thought.

"Are you going to ask her on a date?" I heard my dad ask. Im suprsie he hasn't killed joey yet

"No." Joey responded. Thank goodness he's still alive . "Not yet."

I leaned closer to the door causing the door to squeak. Rose marlin, you shouold get an award for worlds worst eavesdropper. I had no choice but to actually come inside now. I didn't want them to know I've been listening

"Im home" I called out. "What's going on?" I asked, acting clueless

"We were just talking about Joey's butler uniform" my mum smiled. Okay. That's new. My mum is lying to me now. What great parenting

"Well. We should be heading off now. It was great meeting you Joseph" my dad said as both my parents said their goodbyes to us then left the apartment moments later. Can this get anymore awkward for me?

"You're parents are really nice" joey said which made me look up at him

"Yeah" I agreed, nodding my head and giving him a smile. My mind was still processing what I just heard minutes ago. I cant like a guy that I just met. But for some odd reason, I already feel so comfortable with him an its only been a month. Its not possible for me to develop feelings for him already. But I can see why most girls do...

"What's wrong?" He suddenly asked.

"Nothing" I responded.

"Dont play this game with me, Rosie. We both know somethings up" he gritted his teeth which made my face drop into a frown

"When I say nothing it means there's nothing wrong, joey" I said. "Im completely fine-

"No you're not!" He growled as he grabbed my wrist. "I hate when you lie. Why cant you be honest with me for once?" His stone eyes rested among me

I guess this is turning back into old times...

"I don't always have to share everything with you!" I shook his hand off me. " We share an apartment not our lives"

"We've been over this, Rosie. I care about you. A lot" his face flashed in sorrow. "And it worries me when I know something is wrong"

I couldn't hold back anymore. "If we're going to be honest with each other then why didn't you tell me that you like me, joey!" I yelled out in his face. His face immediately dropped. He expects me to tell him everything so why cant e do the same. "I heard it. All of it. Why did you tell my parents-

"How dare you eavesdrop?! You think eavesdropping is going to help?" He yelled and stormed up to me making me walk backwards

I wasn't scared of him. "Just tell me already! Is what you said true? Or am I just another one of your toys" I cried and felt my back hit the wall. Oh no

"Of course you're not a damn toy to me, Rosie. I like you! Okay?. I like you" he yelled, gripping my wrists against the wall along with my back. His body started to relax as the silence flooded the room. I was speechless. I didn't even blink. Hearing those words come out of his mouth to me felt like someone had just saved me from drowning. The feeling when you had just got something fragile and now you try to hold on to it forever.

"You don't have to feel the same way. im a bad influence to you and I should definitely not intrude in your life. But I cant help it but fall for you" he softly confessed, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face. "I tried my best not to fall for you. but the little deal that we made just made it worse" it hurt me to see him like this with no hope for us what so ever. Im sick of seeing him feeling sorry for himself when I should be the one to blame

"And I know-

"Shh joey. I like you too" I finally had the courage to speak. I looked down at his lips and licked my own. "Now will you shut up and kiss me already?"

He smiled

Seconds later, I finally got what I wanted.

His lips on mine

End of chapter
This sucked.

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