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"Whats does the tooth fairy even do with our teeth? Our teeth are like the strongest bones in our faces and she's taking that away" I said in confusion. I'm not high I swear. Its past midnight and I'm in deep thoughts right now. I'm surprised joey hasn't left me to go to bed. Instead he's been answering all the questions I ask

"They use your teeth to build those fake teeth for old people, Rosie" he replied, stroking my hair. "Are you sure you're not high?" He asked

"Positive" I said then i thought for awhile. "A spoon must be a third while for a knife and fork"

The sound of the door bell snapped me out of my thoughts......but then soon got me back. "Do cows need to ring the door bell? Or do they just use their cow bells" I giggled to myself. I'm hilarious

"1. Cows do not ring bells and 2. I will get the door" he said forcing my head to raise to from his lap so he could get the door

"Use your imagination, Birlem "

"Grow up, marlin"

"Says the one who still doesn't know how to dress themselves" I scoffed

Minutes later he came back with the pizza that we ordered.

"This pepperoni pizza looks too greasy" he groaned

"At least it has pepperonis" I snapped

"All the sudden I'm jealous" he sarcastically said as he put his hand over his heart

"I mean it is a meal......literally" I sighed dreamily, admiring the pizza

"Get me someone who looks at me the way you look at that pizza" he chuckled then sat down next to me. Things with joey and I are so far so good. We're not fighting every second of the day. And his manners? His manners haven't fully developed yet but he'll get there soon enough

Things went a bit quiet after as we were enjoying our food. I didn't really want to speak to him anyway. I've already had toothpaste being spat on me from him and I'm not having pizza next

He swallowed his bite of pizza before starting a conversation. "So am I that bad?" He asked, turning his head towards me

"What do you mean by that?" I asked

"Like........." He started as he searched for the right words. "You had me promise you to not fall for you. You really don't want me to like you in that way don't you" he chuckled

"I just did that to protect you from me. I don't want you falling for the wrong person. That's the same for me" He doesn't know how much of a hand full I am. If one day he fell for me, it would be like a heavy weight on his shoulders that he couldn't handle. Some guys have fallen for me in the past. In the end, they all left me...

"Whats so bad about you?" He asked

"I don't know. I'm just a girl you wouldn't want to get involved with" I giggled

"I know many boys would want to get involved with you" he grinned


"Are you calling me pretty,  birem?" I smirked

"No" he scoffed

My smirk grew "Thats not what drunk joey said"

"Shut up" he laughed

End of chapter
SORRY SORRY SORRY for the short an boring chapter

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