Chapter 1: Idiot brothers!

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Ring! Ring!

Argh! I growled. Who the heck put an alarm clock on my bed!

I snuggled to my blanket and tried to get some more sleep. I was just not  morning persona and this stupid alarm clock was already ruining my morning.

I felt a soft tug on my blanket. I didn't need to turn to see who it was. I knew that it is my baby cousin. It was annoying, having a 5 year old trying to wake me from my beauty sleep.

"Ari! Wakei Wakie!" I heard the little boy said as he pulled away my blanket.

"Not now!" I half yelled, pulling the blanket again to my self. It was cold outside and I like to snuggle with my blanket when I am sleeping.

"Ari! Max said that you are going to be late at school if you don't wake up now," the little boy said as he pulled away my pillow.

I sighed as I sat on my bed, rubbing my eyes with my fingers. "Good morning, Ry!" I smiled at the little cousin of mine and kissed his cute cheeks.

"Good morning, Ari!" he laughed as he put his small arms around me.

"What time is?" I thought out loud as I got out of the bed, setting Ry on the floor.

"Well, it is 8:20 . . ." he said.

"8:20! OH MY GOODNESS! I AM GOING TO BE FREAKING LATE!" I yelled as I rushed to the washroom to et changed. No time for shower. I will do that later once I come home. Today, I was going to my new high school and my school starts at 8:30! There is no way I am going to be at school in time!

I quickly got changed and rushed to the breakfast table with my back pack.

"Good morning princess!" my brother, Max, greeted. "I made some breakfast ..."

"Max! I don't have time for breakfast! I got to go to school now ..." before I could even finish my sentence, Max grabbed my shirt's collar and pulled me in the table like I was his pet dog.

"At least eat your toasts," he said, serving me a plate filled with toasts.

"But Max . . ." I was going to get late for my school. Why don't he understand?

"So, now you are not going to eat my cooking? And here I thought that you love my cooking. How heartless of you, Ari," he said, dramatically. "You made your big brother upset," he sniffed as he had fake tears in his eyes.

"Hey ..."

"You are going to make me cry!" he sniffed more, having all his fake tears in his eyes.

I sighed. "Okay! Whatever! Fine! I am going to eat it, happy?" I sighed as I began to eat my toasts.

Max smiled and then looked at me. "Aw! You love my food, don't you. I KNEW IT! I am such a great cook, amn't I? Aw! I am so cool!" he began to rumble as I sighed again.

It was hard to believe that Max was 5 years older than me when he behaves like a kid.

Suddenly, I heard a camera click. I turned to my side and saw Max's twin, Luce. Luce was a photographer and it annoys the heck out of me whenever he does all this photoshoot experiments with me. For example, like right now!

"Luce! What are you doing!?" I yelled as he snapped another picture of me.

"Ari! I brought a new camera  . . ." he started.

"So, you are experimenting it on me!" I yelled and he snapped another picture.

"Aw! You look like a monkey when you get angry!" he teased, snapping another picture.

"Luce! Stop it!" I yelled and was going to yell at him again when I sneezed. "ACHOO!"


There! Luce just took another picture of me when I sneezed?!

"Aw! it looks so cute when you sneeze. May be I should make this photo a wall paper for my laptop!" he laughed.

"DON'T YOU DARE! LUCE! GIVE THAT CAMERA!" I yelled but it was no use. Luce was much more taller than me so he held the camera high on his arm.

I wanted to smack him but then heard dad yelling from outside. "Ari! I am dropping Ry to his school! I can drop you too!"

School? Oh right! I am getting late for school! I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran out of the house and hopped in my dad's car and let him drove me and Ry to school. I sighed. My brothers may be idiots but, I cannot help but to love my brothers more!

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