Chapter 7: Disguise?

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I saw Tyran taking the ball from one end to   the other, dribbling the ball as if he had a full control over the ball and then, he smoothly swift the ball from the floor to the net, causing the ball to slip into the net, making a score.

"Wow," I breathe out. Tyran looked so much serious now. Whenever he was with me, he would always have a playful smirk and bully me all the time. But now, he looks so different. So mature and I hate to admit but he did looked cool. Every movement of his game was showing how much passion he had for basketball.

"This is one side of Tyran that I admire," I heard Ell said. "Tyran may bully you till infinity and then have tons of fan girl but this side of him is what he really is."

I watched Tyran carefully, looking how much of a hardworking guy he was. It was hard to believe that the guy who was such a jerk to me was actually playing basketball with so much passion with not a care of the world.

"You love basketball too, don't you Ari?" she asked as I nodded. "So, since you hate Tyran so much, I just thought of showing this side of Tyran to you."

I nodded. She was right. This was a side of Tyran that I never knew, but, why was she showing it to me. It wasn't like I care about Tyran or anything.

"You know, I was just thinking. Why don't you join basket ball in our school? Then you can win a couple of matches and show him how though of a girl you are," she smiled.

"I don't think that is possible, Ell. My dad is against it and so are my brothers," I sighed. "Even though my mom was a professional basketball player, but, after she got an injury from basketball and admitted to the hospital, nobody in our family ever allowed me to play basketball."

"What are you going to do then in your future? We are in the 4th year of high school, you know and we gotta choose a career plan in this year. All your marks are bellow 60s except gym. At this rate, you are not even going to get accepted to  college," she said.

"Oh, shut it Ell," I said, turning to my back to the gym and so did Ell. "But, youa re right though. It has always been my dream to become a professional basketball player but dad would never allow that."

"So you are planning to be a third wheeler in your family all of your life?" we heard a male voice and turned around and saw Tyran whipping his sweat with a towel.

"EK! What the heck Tyran! How long were you listenning!?" I yelled at him. "And what is with all those sweat. EW!"

"Well sorry, but, people do sweat if they are working hard," he said and took a water bottle in his hand. "And, how long are you going to be the baby of your house? Grow up and learn to make your own decision."

"Tyran, she just said that her family is against her becoming a professional basket ball player," Ell pointed out.

"So, what are you going to do, old hag?" he asked, making me pissied at his given nick name to me. "What are you going to do after high school? Become a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer perhaps. It might make your dad happy? But will that make you happy?"

I stared at him in shock. That thought never crossed my mind.

"Making your family happy is the right thing. But, if it doesn't make you happy then what is the point of choosing a career?" he asked, looking at me as if he can see through me.

"So, you think I should go against my family?" I asked him. I have never done that before.

"If going against your family gives you pain then embrace it because through pain we grow," he said as he picked his gym bag. "But, it is your choice," he said and walked out of the gym.

I felt my knee weakening as I collapsed on my knees.

"Ari!" Ell sat near me and leaned near me to check what was wrong.

That was something. I have been always the obedient girl but Tyran was right. How long am I going to be depend on my family? How long am I going to be a third wheeler of my family? Is it crime to be just a bit selfish?

Tyran's worked ecoed in my head. THROUGH PAIN, WE GROW.

"This is it. Ell, I have decided. I am going to join this basket ball club that Tyran is in," I said.

"This is a boys basket ball club, Ari. Just join in girls basket ball club -"

"No, I don't want to play with girls anymore. I want to play with boys. I want to challenge my strength. I want to see how far can I do, being the only girl in a team full of boys," I said.

"And how are you going to do that? You are a girl aren't you? Girls cannot join the boys clubs, you know?"

"Well," I smirked at her. "I guess then I just have to disguise myself as a boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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